Galaxy webhost Review


New member
Name and URL of hosting company: Galaxy Webhost (
Hosted URL(s):
Description of service(s) used: reseller hosting (Medium plan).
How long have you been using the service(s): 4 months
Detailed review: Their account setup was quick. This server and websites respond quick. I'm not overly impressed though due to their uptime(will explain more at this end). Their support stinks also.
Pros: They offer a dedicated IP, Client Exec, and/or WHMCs free
Cons: Their support takes hours to reply. Uptime not the best either, Look below for explanation
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? No

I've been with them 4 months and the last two month I have had downtime twice. The first time it was just my site so I sent in a ticket. It took them 6 hours to reply and the site was back up by then and tried saying it wasn't down..

I replied with a 3rd party uptime monitor stats showing my downtime and such and 4 hours later got a reply that their firewall banned their IP and downtime was only 39 minutes.

Also, do NOT trust webhostingstuff uptime. With that 6 hours downtime, it still shows 100% uptime.

Best regards,
thanks for the review.

webhostingstuff monitors their "corporate" website only and not their client's sites/servers.
Yes, That's why I have an account on webhostingstuff also, which says my uptime for last month is 100% with the 6 hours downtime.
Yes their down. This is the second time with them. Thus the "down twice in the last two month" In my review
Sorry to hear about the down time, and as the above comments webhosting stuff as many others only monitor the one site not a provider's network or subnets/servers. Seems they are with FDC Servers, not entirely sure as to what ends, perhaps find reviews and dig a little deeper there?

Personally the recommendation would be to find ether a reseller (can't see what they offer as they're sites down) or a VPS dependant on your requirements, quite a few do offer the named billing systems though the thing to look for is network and uptime SLA's and guarantees as well as testing their support before signing up. Mainly as having a poor provider will only effect your resale ability and reputation in the long term, but being unable to contact them and gain a solution in a short time frame will also effect your support to your clients.

I'm sure there was a discussion thread with recommendations around somewhere :), might be a good place to start as well as the marketplace.
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Their domain was registered Oct. 3rd, 2007 and expires this year, but I don't think they went public til last year..

As an update:
I have canceled my account there... It took them two days to close my account and when they did, they deleted my client area account as well. With that being done, I can no longer login to admin my domain settings, which I paid for and have proof of. Luckily I had already changed my nameservers before I requested my account be canceled.

I really recommend staying away from them.

I wish -Jab- here on the forum would comment on this thread, since he is their manager..

Other than ads, I don't think -Jab- has been active here since last October ( and nothing at all this month )
I'm not at all saying I don't believe the OP, but there are always two sides to a story, so it would be a nice to hear a rebuttal from the host (if they have one).
The company doesn't seem to be very professional. I really don't like their website and am not really keen on the name.

I think I'll stay away from these. Thanks for the review.
Just though I'd add:

My domain I registered with them expires in 4 days and they've given me bull. They will not allow me to renew the domain as they "deleted" it

Jerry 29/12/2010 17:21

I registered my domain with you guys and when I canceled my account you guys deleted my account for client area. In doing so, I don't have access to my domain.

I know it expires next month and I'd like to renew it.

Dougles replied at 18:24 asking for the E-Mail address on the account. I replied at I replied at 22:25 with it.

Dougles .T
Staff 31/12/2010 08:46

The domain already dropped with the account.

At that point I turned mad based on his response and my experience with them at the beginning of 2010

Jerry 31/12/2010 09:09
It couldn't have dropped as I'm still using it. This domain was registered BY you guys in YOUR domain reseller account and I paid for it. If this is not renewed, or I can't transfer it out, I will have no choice but to go public about your shady services once again.

Jerry 02/01/2011 13:38
I'm still awaiting a response on this...

Jerry 02/01/2011 14:03
In case you need it, here is details:

Registration Service Provided By: GALAXY-WEBHOST
Contact: +614.3028467


Jerry McCosar ()
9304 E. Saddle DR.
Tel. +1.9282570646

Creation Date: 07-Jan-2010
Expiration Date: 07-Jan-2011

Dougles .T
Staff 03/01/2011 08:03

We do apologies for the inconvenience for this matter, but as i can see that the domain was registered with the reseller account you had with us. You did ask us to terminate the whole account as we did we removed it. No ticket history shows that you requested the domain to be handed over to you. Further or less we may have the domain under our position, but its not in our system so it will be hard to verify the owner of the domain even if your sending an email from the domain it self.

There is no point of you coming here and harassing our company by saying you will post reviews about our "shady customer service" we will not accept any attacks or threats toward our company. Please read our terms of service and comply with it.

What other host here deletes a Domain your client paid for because your client requested their HOSTING is terminated? I know I don't...

Jerry 03/01/2011 10:24
Hello Dougles,

Thanks for your reply.

It is in your position, I'm sending E-Mail via domain, PLUS I gave you the domain whois. That's ok though. I was prepared for you guys to pull this crap.

The reason I posted everything was so you could see the date and time of each reply. This is how quick the support was too..

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