Frequently Asked Questions


New member
Hi everyone,

I just love this forum.

Okay. I don't have that much clients (they keep to themselves, never complain so I don't mind) but I want to create a FAQ of knowledge database or something that will contain the most common questions with simple and easy to understand language. I am wondering, in your own experience, what is the questions that come back the most ? Does anyone want to create a database with answers and questions that we can share with each other? This gives the added benefit to ease your customer support, they wont have to answer simple questions since it will be in the knowledge database. Anyone interested can PM me and I look forward in seeing your answers about the most frequently asked questions you are asked about. :smash:
There are a number of places where you can purchase such lists. Personally I'd not use them as often times the questions are too basic or too generic for clients.

For us, our knowledgebase is generated based on REAL questions asked by our clients. If a question is asked more than twice and has the potential to be asked again, our staff are advised to enter the question into a knowledegebase.

Check with WHMCS though, there are a few users that are sharing the KB articles.
I think it is good to get some basic generic questions from somewhere and then also create some more custom ones specific to your service.
Id recommend that you check out your competition's FAQ pages and gather questions that are listed most frequently and then use those as a foundation to build your own FAQ knowledge base.
Hello lcwmedia,

As Conor mentioned, the majority of our FAQ/Knowledge Base was developed by generic and frequently asked questions from potential prospects and existing clients. Feel free to review our knowledge base and take back any of the Q&As for yourself if need be.

To be honest, we would like to add additional Q&A's to the Knowledge Base but we simply haven't had the time to do so. This will certainly be on our to do list within the upcoming months.
In all honesty, just start adding bits and bobs every day, it will soon grow to a big size with just about every question in there.
If you are just using basic F.A.Q's like "How to use a coupon" then you should just make them. Just sometimes if you buy the guides they tend to have information you don't want in it. So spend time writing your own and saving $, or buy them and remove content.
Most FAQ databases that you might find pertains to a specific hosting criteria (functionality) or is too Generalized. For eg, if you are providing hosting with, let's say Virtualmin or Kloxo control panel, a KB with cPanel related FAQ's would be impractical.

I feel that it's better off creating your own database then getting it from somewhere else, since FAQ's about, suppose sales, may be applicable for your company. It doesn't hurt though to refer an already created FAQ ;)
There is someone on WHT selling a ready to go KB for $25. It is a SQL query for WHMCS, so it's easy to install and you're good to go.
I would add any FAQ manually to your knowledgebase if I were you. It does take some time and work, but if your business is not worth your time and effort, then why be in business at all. ;)

You can add new ones as you receive them from your clients. If you get the same question more than once, I say that's a good sign to add it to your FAQ.
There should be level 1 questions in FAQs, just like creating emails, databases etc. You should visit hosts offering same environment then yours, see theirs and you can use modifying according to your services.

They basically lower burden from support as mostly people visit them and get answers they looking for.
I think in WHMCS there's a way to turn a ticket into a knowledge base article. If you use that you could just go back through your old tickets and compile the KB that way.
Hi everyone,

I just love this forum.

Okay. I don't have that much clients (they keep to themselves, never complain so I don't mind) but I want to create a FAQ of knowledge database or something that will contain the most common questions with simple and easy to understand language. I am wondering, in your own experience, what is the questions that come back the most ? Does anyone want to create a database with answers and questions that we can share with each other? This gives the added benefit to ease your customer support, they wont have to answer simple questions since it will be in the knowledge database. Anyone interested can PM me and I look forward in seeing your answers about the most frequently asked questions you are asked about. :smash:

I built a site once with a FAQ....the most important feature was that the customer could ask a question. I always used the customers questions as questions in the FAQ list. This kept the FAQ list relevant with more than just generalized questions. I placed generalized questions on there also.
Exactly, because most customers look for general question and they have almost same queries and that's where FAQ works for you and your customer will feel good having you as a provider.