
I have been using it in WHMCS for the last 1 years, and it has proved me the best tool to kick out fraud customers and save my IP addresses.
I must agree. The only drawback is that its only as strong as the number of hosts that use it. It would be awesome if more billing software bundled it in automatically. That way hosts would not have to "hear" about it to start using it. Eventually the net against fraud and spammers will become so good that they will have nowhere to hide.
WHMCS is the best to check fraud record. WHMCS can automatically run checks on orders to help ensure.

WHMCS does not do fraud checks. It is just a billing/client management software package.
you need to activate fraud modules within WHMCS - (maxmind, Telesign, VariLogix Fraudcall). their is also 3rd party fraud modules you could purchase and install
Just like easthostmedia said ... WHMCS itself does not actually perform fraud checks ... Modules within WHMCS do.

WHMCS does not do fraud checks. It is just a billing/client management software package.
you need to activate fraud modules within WHMCS - (maxmind, Telesign, VariLogix Fraudcall). their is also 3rd party fraud modules you could purchase and install
We've been using fraudrecord for a while, coupled with maxmind it does a good job of sifting out bad clients. Sometimes manual intervention is still needed such as ID checks etc. Just go with your gut feeling.

Fraud Record is a good tool for WHMCS I know they are looking on trying to develop it for other billing panels

Only issue I have herd about is if someone adds frauds false Like in Bluevm case they were going to do it to someone I know just because they cancelled their order with them
This is the first time I've seen it but I'm definitely going to play around with it and see if I can get it working with Maxmind + WHMCS now..

Thanks for the post about it!!

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