dubs said:
We were a free host at one point
Who were you offering free hosting to?
A google search shows no mention of gamergang.com until very recently.
Internet archive has no records at all of gamergang.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
Don't try to be something you are not.
If you are a new business don't try to hide the fact. People will always find out.
You are trying to deceive your customers and potential customers by have very misleading information on your site.
You list "Michael M" as a CEO. The term CEO does not impress people and a company with a few clients certainly doesn't have a "CEO"
You are exaggerating the length of time you have been operating. This is dishonest.
In your News section you state
We have announced a large partnership with Darkcel Studios
. What makes this a "large" partnership? Darkcel does not even have a portfolio. Your own site is a template that is far from completion yet you have a "large" partnership with a design studio?
You really need to consider these things if you seriously want to succeed and grow in this business, or any other business for that matter.