Find out if an IP is blacklisted


New member
Im looking to find out if an IP of mine is blacklisted anywhere.
Today I found out roadrunner is blocking a main IP I use and anyone using rr cant accept email from me and any accounts using that IP.

Someone has phoned them for me (since Im in Ireland its cheaper for someone in the states to phone) and they said it normally takes 3-4 days to resolve this.

Is there anywhere I can check for my IP being blacklisted now?
It would have been blacklisted before I got it/the subnet blacklisted because I havent had any problems with it.

You could also check at I don't know how definitive they are in terms of what they focus on, but they do have a web interface that lets you see if your IP is blacklisted.
Thanks Lesli, that didn't find the IP listed so either rr is having a problem or that list just doesn't have it.
The best thing you should do is check with your hosting provider. It's up to them to get your IP off of the list. ServerMatrix had the same problem.
Seems like RR has been pretty 'block IP happy'

You could also try
Well I just changed the IPs
Too much hassle :rolleyes:
RR didn't even reply yet since I first contacted them about the problem and I lost a customer because of it.
New IPs are fine anyway :)
Thanks for the help