Favorite XL Commercials


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The true reason I'm watching the SuperBowl is for the commercials - thought we'd get the discussion rollin, I'm on the laptop postin' while the game is on but I tell you there will be SILENCE during the commercials!

"Click" with Sandler looks like a movie that I'll be able to wait to see. Isn't that hte name? If you google for "Click" right now there are no links to movie information...Give it a few days I guess.

1) Caveman FedEx Commercial
2) Bud Light Office Commercial
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I have to say that I was not all that impressed this year. There were no commercials that REALLY stuck out for me. The commercials have been alot better in the past years.

Also the whole Godaddy ad idea is just spent. They need to come up with something better. I did get a little giggle over the old man with the oxygen, but they need to move on to a new idea.
For those of us non-US based who saw the Superbowl with only local 'trashy' ads, any links to these commercials? :)
They don't have all of them on there. They're missing the "Sprint" commercials.
My favorites are:

1. FexEx ("But FedEx doesn't exist yet..." - "Not my problem!")
2. Ameriquest ("That Killed Him")
3. Bud ("American Dream")
4. Sprint ("Crime Deterrent")

While that may be your opinion WebairGerard, my neighbor is more obsessed with football than anyone I know. He has the whole deal, the NFL Sunday Ticket, he goes to the local games, he is devoted to his teams (Yes, TEAMS - while he does have one favorite there are a few he cheers on). And during the Superbowl he was just as much into the commercials as I was.

And a side note: without the commercials - there would be very little football to watch.
Football fans prob don't give a **** and want a good game.
Not necessarily. I love the commercials, and the game. I'm a huge football fan,and look forward to both the game and the commercials.

The thing is, the commercials during the SuperBowl are a tradition of the SuperBowl. They are traditionally expensive, and traditionally funny.

Afterall, commercials are a part of our everyday life. If they're going to put them between plays, and quarters, during one of the largest events of the year...they better be just as entertaining as the game itself, and they have been. That is, at least until the infamous "wardrobe malfunction." Now the companies advertising, want to be funny and edgy, but are also trying to play it safe now.

Overall, the commercials are a part of the tradition, and a football knows this, and looks forward to both.
ANMMark said:
Not necessarily. I love the commercials, and the game. I'm a huge football fan,and look forward to both the game and the commercials.
I am the opposite. I don't understand nor like the game, but like the commercials. Football, in my mind, is when you kick the ball with your feet. :smash: :smash: :rolleyes:

American Football is almost as much of a tradition as baseball.

I never liked football growing up, because there was so many other things I wanted to watch, while my grandmother, step father, etc watched the game, I couldn't stop thinking about all of the things I wanted to watch, but was missing lol

A few things you have to do, to go from that stage, to being a huge fanatic, is 1. Learn the game, preferrably by getting some buddies together, and playing it. 2. Watch the game. 3. Pick a team to cheer on, as your favorite, whether you know anything about them or not (as a football beginner, you won't be expected to know).

Now, force yourself to follow the progress of that team. Watch all of that team's games. Pretty soon, you'll find yourself addicted. Once you follow the above for a few weeks, you'll get hooked.

Of course, you can change your favorite team once you know more about the game, and determine who you really like lol.

The point is though, if you don't like or understand the game, but would like to learn more about it, become a fan, or find out why millions of people enjoy the game so much, you basically have to force yourself to do so.

I was into football a little bit, knew the game, etc, but I usually had better things to do.

When my grandmother passed away, I decided that I wanted to uphold her weekly Sunday tradition of sitting in front of the tube and watching the Steelers play (Jerome Bettis was her favorite).

After a few games, I was hooked more than ever, to a point of addict.

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