Facebook Goes Offline - The World Is In A Panic


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Facebook is offline currently for a good chunk of their users, and Twitter is blowing up with people asking if it's down :)

I wonder what the world will do when a large solar flare takes the entire internet offline for hours/days.
I was just getting ready to post on Facebook when it went down, and then I saw on Twitter that Facebook was down (and still is here). I wonder how much money Facebook is losing over this outage?
Update: 4:17PM Central time and still down. Crazy stuff
The world goes into meltdown... the fact that a social media site is not working is on the front page of the website of many major 'serious' news outlets worldwide, it's pretty incredible really.

It also affects Instagram and Whatsapp apparently, you would think that they would have some serious degree of separation and protection against an error/fuckup/attack/whatever being able to affect all of those platforms over multiple geographic areas.
It almost sounds like the perfect plan;

A Whistleblower report that aired Sunday Night on 60 Minutes
A Facebook Exec was set for a Live Interview on CNN today (no idea if that happened)
Facebook DNS goes offline
The entire world talks about Facebook Offline

It's not a coverup, right? ;)

It was definitely someone who decided to modify their DNS on a Monday morning, deleting all paths to Facebook and then taking the entire day to restore the records.
A Facebook Exec was set for a Live Interview on CNN today (no idea if that happened)

I think I saw mentioned somewhere that the interview happened and was live when it all started to fall down, don't know whether they pivoted interview to ask awkward questions about it but sadly I expect not.
Didn't affect me as I quit all social media (except LinkedIn) a long time ago, but I did certainly feel the impact concerning WhatsApp and even Telegram that I use for work, with at least one meeting going down the drain.

Interestingly, the morning after Facebook was noticed to make up for the loss of approximately $60 million (reportedly how much they lost due to outage, most in ad revenue) by screwing advertisers.

If any of you had any campaigns running, I wonder if you noticed an increase in delivery.
Facebook staff have no idea what they are doing as they don't even follow their own rules, so i think someone at FB saw a switch and thought they would turn it off and it took them 6 hrs to figure out someone turned the switch off