Experienced Systems Administrator, support tech, php developer, WHMCS administrator l


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My name is Tom Whiting. I have quite a bit of experience in the hosting industry as a whole. At the moment, I'm looking for something (full or part time, though preferably full) that would allow me to benefit your company, helping you build it up, or helping to maintain it. With over 20 years of web hosting skills, and better than 20 years of Linux administration skills, here's what I can bring to the table

  • I'm a highy experienced WHMCS developer, having developed a number of custom addons and modules
  • I've got better than 20 years of Linux systems administration behind me
  • I'm quite familiar with PHP and MySQL, having written a few applications in both, myself
  • I'm somewhat familiar with Wordpress, and the wordpress CLI
  • I'm somewhat familiar with OnAp and SolusVM (moreso Solus of late)
  • I'm a self taught individual. I learn daily and aspire to put that to use

Here's what I'm looking for (within reason, of course)
  • I'm looking for work, either full or part time
  • I'm looking to be paid a reasonable wage for the work that I do
  • Preferrably, working with a U.S. company, but others please feel free to hit me up
  • I'm not picky on hours. in fact, the shift that I love most (3rd) , most don't want to do
  • I'm looking for an established company... Someone that's been around for a bit and knows the ins and outs of the industry
  • I'm not (at this moment) capable of moving, so this will need to be a remote position, at least to start. That's not to say it'll stay that way, of course, however, at least to start it would need to be a remote position

If you're looking to hire an experienced, hard working , dedicated individual, please don't hesitate to contact me. Here's how:
  • PM me here (may not get read immediately, but I'll try)
  • Skype me - twhiting9275 - Just make SURE to let me know why you're requesting an add
  • Phone - PM me for number and I'll get it to you.

Of course, a resume is available. I'll happily shoot that to you upon request.
As it turns out, I was hired a few weeks after this post.

Unfortunately, I find myself in the same position today as I was in a few years ago, as the company I was working with for over 5 years has announced it's shutting down . A sad day, honestly.

I'm looking for work, once again, hoping someone will run across this that's looking for WHMCS / Systems Administration talent . My pay rates are flexible, my hourly availability is as well. Typically, I'm up and running over nights, but that can change with a slight bit of notice

I look forward to working with you


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