European data center operator - DEAC continues to invest in the infrastructure


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European data center operator "DEAC" continues to make significant investments in the improvement and updating data center infrastructure. Because of the growing European and Asian customers' demand for DEAC data storage solutions in the data center "Riga", 30 new APC racks was collocated in June. DEAC offers combine European quality and safety at a much lower price.

In September 2009 the biggest data center in the Baltics “Riga” was opened. Since then DEAC is actively focusing on foreign markets. "Company's long-term development strategy anticipates that export share must be increased, because possibilities and power that DEAC data centers have are more suitable for the abroad demands. Now we have already signed more than 10 contracts with the large foreign companies. More than 50 projects on a large scale are dealt with and directed towards real cooperation," the real situation is characterized by A. Gailitis. He adds that growing demand shows necessity in expanding the data center space more quickly than originally planned.

Activity in the international arena also for data center operators dictates strict requirements relating to the highest standards of infrastructure quality. Therefore, both pre-purchased, as well as 30 newly bought racks from the "APC (American Power Conversion) are kept in premises equipped with a variety of ventilation, monitoring and safety systems."Unfortunately, because of limited financial resources Latvian companies not always are able to break into the European and Asian markets with loud advertising campaigns and magnificent marketing moves. What we offer is the level of quality and security at a price that is much lower than similar data centers have. As a result we guarantee to our customers the business protection and continuity under any circumstances. European customers are very much interested in our maximum security solutions, so now we are offering special prices for our data center services," says A. Gailitis.

The fact that such strategy pays off, shows the increased number of customers. However, this does not mean that DEAC data center capacity would be exhausted. At next expansion stage in the nearest future DEAC plans to increase data center “Riga” server rooms area up to 1400 sq.m. (500 RACKs or 20 000 servers). A maximum server area capacity is several thousand sq. m. - over 1000 RACKs or 40 000 servers). As A.Gailitis points, in DEAC data centers would be room for every interested, but every businessman should decide by himself whether he wants to keep his servers in particularly fitted data center or in unsafe and doubtful home or office environment.

About DEAC:
DEAC is European data centers operator and an IT outsourcing company with 10 years experience and highly qualified personnel. Business is orientated to provide data center services and IT outsourcing on Eurasia scale. It owns two carrier-neutral data centers in Riga, Latvia. Total server area 1000 sq.m. Data centers are equipped with TIER I/II/III/IV infrastructure, duplicated power supply sources, APC UPS systems, SDMO diesel generators, Emerson Network Power climate-control systems, FM200 gas fire suppression systems, optical 10 Gbit/s lines from 5 different providers, server systems and network monitoring service. Connections with AMS-IX, DE-CIX, LINX, MSK-IX.

DEAC offers a full range of integrated IT solutions and to almost 2000 customers from 20 countries of the world, among them – Spanish telecommunication operator „Telefonica”, „Danske Bank”, „UniCredit Bank”, „Latvijas Banka”, „Rietumu Bank”, “Elko Group” „DEPO DIY”, “Microsoft Latvia”, “Philips Baltic”, „TV3 Latvija”, “AAS Balva”, “Kvadra pak” and others.
DEAC is the developer of a popular Latvian school management system e-klase.

Olegs Naskidajevs,
Head of marketing and development department, DEAC
Ph.: +371 6707 2100, +7 499 5029 722
Mob. +371 2917 0284, +7 926 448 2657