Essential Pages for a new website


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I want to know about essential pages of a new website, How many pages should be essential for a new website ?
I want to know about essential pages of a new website, How many pages should be essential for a new website ?
The minimum page count is 1.

There is no definitive number of how many pages you should have. You should have as many pages as you need, or as many as you need to explain and educate the visitor for the subject or purchase or whatever your website is targeted towards.

If you treat your website like fishing, and equate pages to lines in the water. The more fishing lines and hooks you have out there, the more fish you could potentially catch. Of course, if you're in an ocean and you have just 1 hook, you better make sure you're fishing in the right area :)

Same with your website. You can have 1,000 pages, but if the content is not great, and the users have no interest in what you're doing, then 1,000 pages isn't going to do anything for you.

Just like how much text should be on a page.... you need as much as you need to explain something to someone. If that means it's 3 sentences or it's a 17,000 words that's as much as it takes. This post/response is a good example too. I could have left it as 1 sentence, it's accurate, or I can have 5 paragraphs of further, relative info.
If you are planning on collecting any kind of data, using cookies, etc. then I'd say two.

The front page, and a page with terms, privacy, cookies info, etc.
You could have a one page website if you wanted to. Remember, simpler is better. Keep it slim. HTML only if possible. Clean code. No fluff. Keep it basic.
It all depends upon the type of website e.g. for the hosting business, I would suggest all the essentials pages which will help your customers understand products, their benefits, and how they can return or get money back if things don't work out as expected, so they can browse your website with confidence.

Considering the web hosting business, I will have at least the following pages.
  1. Homepage
  2. About you
  3. Product pages e.g. shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS, etc.
  4. Domain availability checker if you sell domains
  5. Terms and condition
  6. GDPR
  7. SLA policy
  8. Refund policy
  9. Pages to collect and refund payments
You can create one-page website also.
depend on your website requirements. if it is a portfolio website then keep it to one page only it looks perfect.
if it's a business or organization website then add pages that show who are you , what you do and what kind of product or services you deliver, etc
the common pages that are added in websites are Home page , about us , contact us , product pages , service pages , blog , faq , terms and conditions , privacy policy , refund policy , etc.