The following rules are in effect for the Employment Opportunities marketplace forum.
1. All posts must be related to the subject of the forum, which is Employment.
2. All users who wish to advertise are limited to 1 (one) advertising thread per 7-day period.
2.a. If you have an urgent/additional opportunity to present, you may do so by adding a post to already started by you thread, if the number of days from your last post do not exceed 7.
We thank you for your cooperation.
1. All posts must be related to the subject of the forum, which is Employment.
2. All users who wish to advertise are limited to 1 (one) advertising thread per 7-day period.
2.a. If you have an urgent/additional opportunity to present, you may do so by adding a post to already started by you thread, if the number of days from your last post do not exceed 7.
We thank you for your cooperation.