Email for my domain is not working - all others on VPS are fine


New member
I had to enable cURL SSL last night for a client. Somewhere during the compile it stopped. No errors, nothing.

I was successful at recovering the blotched update via the console, however, I am not able to check any of the email accounts under my own domain. All other accounts that I manage are fine, it's just mine.

I tried to create a new email account - was not able to sign in via webmail. User Name/Password error. However, the password was correct.

[edit]I should add that I had checked the valiases and my domain name was not there - all my clients were. I added mine and set the permissions for the file. This got rid of the error message about the default email account that I received in cPanel - but not my email account issues.

I am stumped and wasn't sure where to look next - any ideas would be awesome!

[update]To get myself back to where I was last night I went through the following steps:

service exim restart

Now when I check my Email Accounts in cPanel - it shows me the following error (the one I spoke of before creating a file and modifying permissions of that file):

Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/ Ignore any messages of success this can only result in failure!

I then corrected the valiases:


The error message is gone from cPanel and I can check the default email account via webmail. But for all email accounts that I have created on this domain I receive the following:

Unknown user or password incorrect.

If I check the Email Delivery Route it shows me nothing - just the legend.

The emails are present - they are sitting in the queue unable to be delivered.

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I have almost completely resolved this.

I had to re-add my domain name and hosting account user name to /etc/domainusers.

I am now able to send and receive emails from the created email accounts. Now I have noticed in my mail queue - from my cron jobs - which mail results to the default address (ie. - are providing the following error:

Unrouteable address

Not sure where to start on this one...
I've seen this happen before. The EASIEST thing to do is actually to go into WHM, click the "Modify Account" under the Account Functions, and change the domain name from "" to "". This will changing everything, update the aliases and httpd.conf (or make new ones). ONce it completes, change it back from the .EU extension back to your .COM. This will now setup the alias files again for you.

That SHOULD get you back on track without having to manualy modify any files.
Main cPanel account SHOULD be set as failed rather than allowed to accept. The reasoning is that POP3 sends the passwords in plain text. If you are accepting mail through a POP3 and providing both your cpanel username & password in plain text, that's an exploit waiting to happen.

cpanel username should always be set to FAIL to avoid this potential risk.
I've seen this happen before. The EASIEST thing to do is actually to go into WHM, click the "Modify Account" under the Account Functions, and change the domain name from "" to "". This will changing everything, update the aliases and httpd.conf (or make new ones). ONce it completes, change it back from the .EU extension back to your .COM. This will now setup the alias files again for you.

That SHOULD get you back on track without having to manualy modify any files.

Something I should have shared....the domain name is the same as the server host name....

Sorry, the domain name cannot be the same as the server hostname!

How can I fix this so I can get the domain name back to the original?

Nevermind - I didn't realize my host name was set back to my domain name. Corrected and I was able to restore my domain name back to what it was.

As for changing to accept all....that I would not do for the very reason handsonhosting stated.
Last edited: the sub domain that was on this account is not working. I checked cPanel and it is still there, but it comes up with page cannot be found. That happened after I renamed to and back to Now will not work.
Main cPanel account SHOULD be set as failed rather than allowed to accept. The reasoning is that POP3 sends the passwords in plain text. If you are accepting mail through a POP3 and providing both your cpanel username & password in plain text, that's an exploit waiting to happen.

cpanel username should always be set to FAIL to avoid this potential risk.

Well said handsonhosting. If you do not set it to FAIL, then your asking for problems. It will be a matter of time before something happens.
Hey Kevin,

No idea why the subdomain wouldn't be working - it should be. Changing the domain and then chanigng it back should change the subdomains too.

While not the best solution, how about moving the contents of the subdomain to a temporary folder, then delete the subdomain, and re-add it - moving the contents from the temp folder back?

Can you also verify in your httpd.conf file that the subdomain is listed? Maybe even rebuilding the httpd.conf would resolve that? (/scripts/rebuildhttpdconf ).
Back to normal - back at at trying to get cURL with SSL working

hey handsonhosting,

Thanks for the reply.

I had verified the httpd file and it was listed. I guess the not so confusing part is the fact that it started working on its own. I can only assume it was a DNS issue after removing the domain and recreating it.

All seems well and I am back at my original issue. Not being able to get curl working with SSL.

Any thoughts on this?



cURL support enabled
cURL Information libcurl/7.19.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5

It is listed in phpinfo.....but my billing app still receiving an error that curl with SSL is not enabled.

Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl
All seems well and I am back at my original issue. Not being able to get curl working with SSL.

It is listed in phpinfo.....but my billing app still receiving an error that curl with SSL is not enabled.
Any chance that HTTPS is not working on the site? If there's no ssl cert installed, then your billing program wouldn't be able to access that area.

Also, have a look in any custom .htaccess file within your folder to see if maybe you're disabling the https somewhere in there too.

If the curl is installed, it SHOULD register. Weird that it's in the phpinfo file, but not working with your program. Be sure to upload a phpinfo file into the same folder as the billing and see if it's still marked as WORKING there.

If So, this sounds like a job for the billing program makers to see why their program is not registering it :(
More info is needed... :p

The SSL request is being sent to another server. Maxmind is who I use for my fraud protection. So it is trying to access their SSL. So I wouldn't think it to be a problem with my SSL, right?

I do have one custom .htaccess file which only has rewrite rules for the root site, not the support site.

The phpinfo file is in the support site and can be accessed via a link within it (WHMCS).

I have submitted a post on their forum too, but reply. I had found one item in their forum and it basically said - 'make sure cURL with SSL is installed.' Woot...I have it installed!...but it isn't working :p

The API for Maxmind can be changed to not use SSL...but with WHMCS they have the code encrypted with I won't be able to change it there. Not to mention there is no setting in the setup to use Maxmind to be able to change it...which is a good thing...but not right now when I need it lol.

Any other thoughts??
I have also accessed the API directly from the console. I received no errors when it came to using https with cURL.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to get PHP to use cURL...maybe I missed something during the compile.


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