Email consolidation service


New member
I was wondering. Does anyone here use one, and if so, which?

I do and use MailSnare. Overall I’ve liked their service in the two or so years I’ve used them, however recently I’ve had a few (major) problems so am looking elsewhere. Cannot really decide between FuseMail and mail2web – Both seem like good places, but I like the added mobile accessibility with mail2web although the extra features such as Tasks and Notepad with FuseMail will come in handy.

So, does anyone here use an email consolidation service? Have you ever thought about using one? If not, why?
I havent really used any of these services before. I must admit that FuseMail looks pretty cool! I have been tempted to use it in the past and have been impressed with the features.

When you mean mobile accessibility are you referring to accessing the service on a PDA or through WAP? Having them compatible with one of those is a great bonus I believe and makes it far easier to respond to email when it's specifically written for a PDA or cell phone.
I basically just cheat and have my home email running in a text email client (pine) and everything dumped via SMTP. When out and about just SSH to my home box and pull it up. Works well for me