Edge Centres / QuadraNet owes us $13,000


New member
I wanted to share an ongoing issue our company is facing with QuadraNet, which is now under new ownership by Edge Centres. We’re dealing with a significant financial mishap where we were wrongly billed around $13,000 for a server we had canceled years ago. This has turned into a rather frustrating ordeal. (Note that in TrustPilot, there is a review from 2023, by someone claiming the exact same problem, being charged for months without notice for a canceled server.)

Our accountant spotted the error during a routine check, noticing we were still being charged for this server long after the cancellation. We reached out to QuadraNet to address this as soon as we noticed.

Response from QuadraNet: Initially, it seemed promising. Michael Lowe, the Chief Revenue Officer, acknowledged the error and mentioned that it was due to an oversight with a PayPal subscription that wasn't canceled when we terminated the server. He proposed a repayment plan to refund what was taken from us. Please note that this was not a simple “oversight”, as mentioned above, other customers faced the same problem in the past. So they knew about this issue but it kept happening, and with us, to the tube of $13,000.

What's Happening Now: Despite Michael Lowe's promises, we've seen no action. The process has been dragged out, and our repeated attempts to escalate the matter have not resulted in any progress. They have not replied to our emails for several weeks, and we have not received any repayment. They shut down our two servers without notice, causing us further financial damage. Since we're based in Europe, taking legal action is more difficult and may cost more than what they owe us.

Since Edge Centres has recently acquired QuadraNet, they are now responsible for handling this. We expected that this change might bring a swift resolution, considering a new management might want to clean up such issues. However, that hasn’t been the case.

It’s quite disheartening. We trusted them to handle this professionally, but the lack of urgency or seeming indifference has been disappointing. It’s not just about the money; it’s about the principle and the need for businesses to operate transparently and responsibly. We strongly recommend anyone reading this to avoid any type of business with either QuadraNet or Edge Centers.

Has anyone else here dealt with similar issues? Any advice on how to get this resolved more effectively would be greatly appreciated. It feels like we’re at a standstill and not sure what else can be done to expedite this. In the meantime, again, we recommend that you avoid doing business with these companies.

Does the Chief Revenue Officer you were previously speaking with still work at QuadraNet after the acquisition?

How have you been communicating with QuadraNet, has it only been via billing@quadranet.com?

There was a PR article at the time of acquisition that Kiarash Jahangiri was appointed CEO of QuadraNet after the acquisition, it seems as though he has a LinkedIn profile - It may be worth reaching out directly?

I don't know if what you're saying is true, but I have no evidence to make a decision either way; if you do reach out to the CEO then make sure your message is concise with as much back-story and evidence you can provide - i.e don't go in guns blazing, state your facts.

Unfortunately I have no other advice other than the above to help you, it's a difficult situation to be in, as if you are speaking to the company via the billing department, you're probably not receiving the attention you need in regards to the situation.

It may be that if unsuccessful in the above, then the legal route is the only option left.

PayPal subscriptions suck though, only you can cancel them (not the receiver) and this also should be a lesson to not use them as well as for others too.

I wish you good luck in this though.
This is very unfortunate and one of the biggest downfalls of using PayPal Subscription. You are responsible for managing it, but it can rack up quite a bit of credit with one of your vendors. While we have customers that prefer this route, we try to steer them towards automatic payments using a credit or debit card.

I sure hope you can get full resolution on this! We have a carrier that owes us back taxes in $10k+ right now as well.
You are responsible for managing it,
This, right here.

OP updated their WHT post (same title and everything), claiming PayPal has given them some money back , which, while good, is not the approach you want to take with businesses. It's only going to lead to things going downhill quickly.
I wanted to share an ongoing issue our company is facing with QuadraNet, which is now under new ownership by Edge Centres. We’re dealing with a significant financial mishap where we were wrongly billed around $13,000 for a server we had canceled years ago. This has turned into a rather frustrating ordeal. (Note that in TrustPilot, there is a review from 2023, by someone claiming the exact same problem, being charged for months without notice for a canceled server.)

Our accountant spotted the error during a routine check, noticing we were still being charged for this server long after the cancellation. We reached out to QuadraNet to address this as soon as we noticed.

Response from QuadraNet: Initially, it seemed promising. Michael Lowe, the Chief Revenue Officer, acknowledged the error and mentioned that it was due to an oversight with a PayPal subscription that wasn't canceled when we terminated the server. He proposed a repayment plan to refund what was taken from us. Please note that this was not a simple “oversight”, as mentioned above, other customers faced the same problem in the past. So they knew about this issue but it kept happening, and with us, to the tube of $13,000.

What's Happening Now: Despite Michael Lowe's promises, we've seen no action. The process has been dragged out, and our repeated attempts to escalate the matter have not resulted in any progress. They have not replied to our emails for several weeks, and we have not received any repayment. They shut down our two servers without notice, causing us further financial damage. Since we're based in Europe, taking legal action is more difficult and may cost more than what they owe us.

Since Edge Centres has recently acquired QuadraNet, they are now responsible for handling this. We expected that this change might bring a swift resolution, considering a new management might want to clean up such issues. However, that hasn’t been the case.

It’s quite disheartening. We trusted them to handle this professionally, but the lack of urgency or seeming indifference has been disappointing. It’s not just about the money; it’s about the principle and the need for businesses to operate transparently and responsibly. We strongly recommend anyone reading this to avoid any type of business with either QuadraNet or Edge Centers.

Has anyone else here dealt with similar issues? Any advice on how to get this resolved more effectively would be greatly appreciated. It feels like we’re at a standstill and not sure what else can be done to expedite this. In the meantime, again, we recommend that you avoid doing business with these companies.

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For your information: As of the time of this post's publication (August 27, 2024), we have received 6 refunds from PayPal for overcharges that occurred within the last 60 days, but they still owe us more than $10,000.
Glad you're getting some of your funds back. I believe I mentioned this at WHT as well, but for the sake of our community here: Despite what people believe, both the provider and customer can cancel the PayPal Subscription.

That being said, the customer should be fully responsible to ensure that it's cancelled since they have full control over that via PayPal, since PayPal is initiating the payment on the customer's behalf, similar to a bank payment system (that initiates a check on the customer's behalf).

Best wishes to you, Sir!
For your information: As of the time of this post's publication (August 27, 2024), we have received 6 refunds from PayPal for overcharges that occurred within the last 60 days, but they still owe us more than $10,000.
Seen your issue at the other green forum originally. Glad you're getting some of the money back progressively, those are absolutely great news on a not-so-easy task!
Despite what people believe, both the provider and customer can cancel the PayPal Subscription.
It's not any company's responsibility to manage my finances for me. That's 100% on me. If I cancel an agreement, it is on me to act like a responsible adult and ensure payment is cancelled for said agreement. Not the other way around.

it's not up to the company to dig through their 1000s of subscriptions to find one subscription for a former customer and cancel it for them. No, that's on the customer.