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Hi, are any of you (other than matt) with EARhost?
I signed up last week and i haven't had any problems, I am doing my usual task of monitoring uptime on the server before i add any clients to it.........I have heard on WHT that they are having a bit of trouble with their techs at present. Has anyone had any problems?
I, for one, have had no personal experience with EARHost. I've recently browsed their forums and there are a few unhappy clients. At the moment, I'm sticking with EStarr until things clear up.
Things seem to be going from bad to worse with them, they fired their techs for lying but instead of hiring new ones he is now making posts saying that unless he can find a company to merge with he may go under.

Personally i think its a panic reaction, his good rep on wht is decreasing because of the problems and instead of taking time to think things through he is panicking and making his customers panic too.

If he goes down i will need another reseller as my other account is now full and i really hate having to look for new hosts :mad:
Uh huh. In fact, they aren't too bad. Amy's running some specals on her reseller plans, and now that she broke-even, she can market her plans for less. From what I understand, pricing for reseller plans will decrease substantially come next billing period (August 1st for mwa).
Well, cool. <a href='http://e-starr.net/resellers.html' target='_blank'>E-Starr.net</a> is the site. The prices are good. They've been around as long as I have as I said earlier, but seem to have established a good reputation.

Servers in DV2 (a gift from God!). Em, support, okay, she has her techs look into most inquiries (such as installing mods, etc) but she's pretty knowledgable.

I highly recommend them at this point. If you sign up, enter my name (or domain) in the referral box :wink:

EStarrNet is one of their AIM contacts (more on their site), but that one gets you in contact directly with Amy.
Well i know you didnt want me to answer this Jo, but i have been with them a bit longer and they have been great with me, Support was fast, i posted a few probs on there helpdesk, got a reply with in hours. James is knowledgeable too, and i think sellign up is a panic reaction after speaking with him about his plans for earhost.

Looks like he's "given you away".....
<a href='http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?threadid=61328' target='_blank'>http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.p...?threadid=61328</a>
That sucks! Whoa, and to MCHost?!? Boy, do I feel sorry for you. I would never trust my website in the hands of snobs such as Marc. :mad:
I dont think Marc is a snob. He certainly dont come across as a snob on WHT. I know James isnt giving us away. All he has wanted from the start is the best for his customers, but i too am on a custom plan and hes keeping us on our custom plans on his personal server i think!


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