
New member
What do you think of's reseller accounts?

I have a client who uses them for their web site and they seem fast and reliable.

Anyone have any experience with them?
Personally, I don't like the people who offer unlimited disk space OR data transfer, most are pretty lamer connections or servers ...

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My advice to you is to look at Google groups - in particular, the hosting forum "" and .net magazine forums ( and do some research before signing up with them :)
Donhost used to delete customers files without warning if they did not meet their strict aup because they can't really have people using unlimited disk space can they?
grahamc said:
Donhost used to delete customers files without warning if they did not meet their strict aup because they can't really have people using unlimited disk space can they?

I have read so many comments like this regarding Donhost a year or so ago but not of late, maybe they have turned over a new leaf and discovered the meaning of customer service?
.htaccess file

We have just terminated with them and if you want to have "full control" and be able to resell accounts and you or one of your customers wants to edit the .htaccess, file for example to have php code in .html files then donhost is not for you! First they said it was due to security then it was due to performance - BUT why/how do other hosters do it with no problems!!! - also I can't find this niggle rule on their website.

I'd love to put my vote on the above poll