Domains You've Purchased


New member
We've all done it. Bought a domain we thought was a good idea, or creative name...then went back and looked at it and gone, "What the heck was I thinking?"

Whether it's with or without regret, what is the most noteable domain you've ever purchased? The one with the biggest story.

I purchased the .com version of my high school's name. That went over real well with the staff. The principal tried to say I hacked their computers to get it. Man, it was hard to keep a straight face when he accused me of that.
I purchased the .com version of my high school's name. That went over real well with the staff. The principal tried to say I hacked their computers to get it. Man, it was hard to keep a straight face when he accused me of that.

Oh now that is just too funny. I got a good laugh out of that one. I would have been laughing in his face.
Yeah, I've not let the domain expire since. He was a new principal that year...two of my teacher's pulled me aside when they found out and asked me why I did it. I told them, "Well, we were bored in class and just started thinking about things."

When I told the principal that one of the kids wanted to turn it into a porno site, but I refused...he lightened up.
Hmm.. I have about 80 domains, but most of them are really "protecting" the one in use. I think the best purchased [unused] domain was about 2-3 years ago - I got for $200. It has obviously escalated in value since then. But it has also been the most struggling one for me in terms of what to actually do with it.
Up until a few months ago ... I had 14 (or was it 16) domain names. Most, I had plans for each domain name ... but things didn't work out right so most of my domains are parked on one of two domain names that I do use.

I came to a hard decision ... thanks in part to members here sharing their thoughts with me. I am just going to let all but the two domain names I use all lapse when they come up for renewal. I figure if I do want to and am able to proceed with my plans at some point in the future ... I can always either get the names again ... or create another name just as functional or maybe even more so.

By this summer I will be rid of all but one of my "not needed" domains. The other one will take another 6 months after that to expire. Yippee!! Oh the money I will save. Gee ... guess I will be able to treat myself to a pizza hahaha :)
Haha Peter, yeah - I don't have nearly as many as Art, (I've got almost 40 domains) - but it seems that every month I've got another renewal. I'm planning on consolidating their expiration dates and rewnewing them all for 5 years so I don't have to worry about it for nearly so long.
20 - 25 different domains. Wow lol they were all accumulated over time. Got some from friends that pretty much gave up on them and others i purchased. A few of them escalated into very popular sites.
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Exon said:
We've all done it. Bought a domain we thought was a good idea, or creative name...then went back and looked at it and gone, "What the heck was I thinking?"

Whether it's with or without regret, what is the most noteable domain you've ever purchased? The one with the biggest story.

I purchased the .com version of my high school's name. That went over real well with the staff. The principal tried to say I hacked their computers to get it. Man, it was hard to keep a straight face when he accused me of that.

haha i believe i have a little respect for you now
i purchased once with the hope that macromedia (or adobe) would later buy it off me when they brought out version 8 of flash - unfortunately it never worked out. lol

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