does your host have a file size limit?


New member
Does your web host have a file size limit on uploading files?
If your a host, do you put a limit on files?

A lot of the free hosts have limits on file size for uploading but I dont know of any premium hosts that do.
I dont have any limits on file sizes for free or premium accounts
Nope we don't have any file size restrictions that I know of, only restrictions would be the ammount of space you have in your account.
I think the reason that free hosts have file size limits is because they want to prevent Warez and other illegal stuff.
A lot of people seem to get around that though, quite sneakily though, by storing the files in database as a BLOB object, getting past the filesize restriction.

Personally, my host doesnt have a filesize limit, and I'm very greatful, as me and my users need to be able to upload quite big files.
i have never heard of that before GamesCreation.
i dont think many premium hosts would restrict the size of files you can upload though and most free hosts wouldnt give you a database so you wouldnt be able to store a BLOB.
I never even though about that before, might test that out using MySQL on my own computer to see if it works
It has worked for me before, I did it ages ago when I had a big file I needed and I didnt have hosting yet.

There are quite a few free hosts that allow mysql - and it seemed a good way to do it :)

Also, a lot of premium hosts dont take into account mysql data transfer, so downloading big files from mysql doesnt take off bandwidth, which seems a little sneaky though. A lot dont even take it off against your space limitation. Although a lot more seem to be noticing this now.
Thanks for that GamesCreation :)
You learn something new every day eh ;)
Stick with us and tell us an interesting fact each day hehe

I will be testing that out later when I have a bit more time
Let me know how your test goes ;)

I wish I could tell an interesting fact every day, but most of my interesting facts are computer related, rather than directly hosting related, and there isnt a general computer area here and no one would care either ;) I just learn a few things.

Problem with storing things in the database, for example, an 80mb file, if 10 people try to get it at the same time, or near the same time, it has to be loaded into the servers memory from the database, which means it would take up 800mb of the servers memory!!