Does adding website name into meta title help?


Staff member
I came across an addon that adds page title to <title> tag for a website.

(Example before add-on is installed)

Is the Retina display worth the extra cost?

(Example after add-on is installed)

Is the Retina display worth the extra cost? |

Does adding this impact SEO in a positive way, or is this more of a gimmick to "stamp" your pages?
It is effective, but the content of the page is more effective, the tags are very important, usually the tags of a page should be indexed in order to be found better in search engines.
In the past, I've always listened to various WordPress SEO plugins I've used. If the plugin complains that my title is X amount of characters or pixels over the recommended value then I've dropped the website name from the title.

I have no idea on its advantages or disadvantages though, it would be interesting to hear the thoughts of @bigredseo on this matter - I'm not really much of a SEO guy.

I guess it has a lot to do with branding also, if you're a large name that people recognise then it might help?
Does it help from an SEO stand point? As @SharedGrid said, @bigredseo should answer that - and others!
From a functional stand-point, I think it helps when you bookmark if the site title is in there if the main title isn't useful. I manually would add it or put "| HD" at the end personally when bookmarking.

That's my 2¢ for what it's worth!
Don't use a plugin - that'll kill page speed. Do it manually or run a script to update existing items. Don't do anything on the fly that can be manually inserted!

Adding the site name does nothing for SEO, but it may help with brand recognition.

We treat SEO from the perspective of the user searching for information or help. If you think of it from that angle, nobody really cares who is providing the answer. They just need the answer.

The title space is about 55 characters and that's valuable real estate! Instead of your site name, I'd look more at getting a keyword in place or just the thread title.

Now again, if you're looking at things from a branding perspective, then keeping the business name in there makes sense. Think of this with regards to election coverage and you get 5 results in Google for the search, and you get to choose between CNN, FOX, MSNBC, SkyNews, ABC. Now, you as a user get to determine which style or brand you want to hear from. A totally different experience.

For most clients, we tell them to leave off the name of their company, except on their home page and contact page.