Does 2CheckOut make many orders high alert for you?


New member
My last few orders from 2CheckOut have been high alert but they have all passed the inspection by the fraud team.
Do many people get that?
Maybe its just that they use a yahoo address or something but I have deleted all the emails from 2CO so Im not sure what the problem was
That could be it, good chance that was the reason.. I am not really familiar with 2checkout so I can't really say too much :/
I have an account with them but I wouldnt know since most of my orders till know have been through paypal and not through 2Checkout. Sometimes I think it was a waste of an investment but not too much :)
Im sure you will use it in the future.
A lot of people want to use 2CO instead of paypal because they dont have to signup and they might think its more secure using 2CO..a lot dont like the stories they have heard about paypal
I hope so I will be able to use it in the future. But then at the same time I have heard a lot of stories about 2CheckOut like how they keep your funds in for a certain period of time and I wouldnt want that to happen. There are a lot of things about Paypal which I will be upfront...I even lost $2500 because of a fraud through paypal but I mean a lot of people prefer it when it comes to web hosting so I cant say anything.
I use 2Checkout. Seems like about 1/2 are rated high but go through. You might be right it is the free email account. Some is just the location of the customer. I have a customer in Eastern Europe that pays monthly. Every month it is rated high - but goes through (5 months now)
GordyMac said:
I prefer paypal for all my hosting since it is instant, not much can compete with it.

I prefer a wad of cold hard cash... preferrably in unmarked 20 dollar bills...

As to the high alert warning John... I have received those in the past by 2CO. They normally do that when people use new unheard of credit cards... because they think they are stolen or identity theft issues.
Ah great topic John I can give you some first hand knowledge. As you know I am living overseas and so my mailing, billing address is the USA but my IP and physical address is Croatia.

Even though I have an account with them to collect money the first time I placed and order of course they declined it so I had to call, the second time I was flagged and it went through, it is hit or miss with me, sometime I have to call sometimes I don't, I also believe the purchase price may make a difference but haven't confirmed that.

What I have confirmed is that id information doesn't jive they are all flagged, if they can contact the person in question it will go through. If they can't make contact it will not go through. So even if it is declined for fraud, that isn't always the case, and an occasional order will go through that really is fraud. At least they do have some screening in place and that makes a difference to my choice of using them.

I am happy with their services and we even laugh when I call them that I can take money but I can't spend any.
Generally for us 2checkout flags about 1/3 but normally they go through ok. The only time they have cancelled orders is when people have put in the wrong names such as Visa for their first name. Of course we have our own fraud protection so verify orders before even passing them onto 2co

PayPal can process credit cards without having to use a E-mail address. Steve - thelinuxguy told me you could do that, so I only use PayPal to process payments , easy and really foolproof.
