Do you prefer coding HTML yourself or using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)


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Do you prefer hard coding HTML yourself or using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) program?
I like WYSIWYG a lot more simply because I dont have time to do HTML code myself, its a lot easier to do it by clicking a few buttons and moving a few things around with a program than typing out every bit of code.
I like both. I use the WYSIWYG for making the template quickly then hard coding it to get exaclty how I want it.
I like both but if to doing a website dreamweaver do most of all the code for you
I hate WYSIWYG editors, I find them harder to do things I want personally, so I use notepad or AceHTML because it has an internal viewer.
I normally do the basics in the wysiwyg editor (like setting CSS styles, laying out tables) because it's a lot easier to do visually. Then I tweak it in Editplus (like notepad).

The thing I hate about WYSIWYG editors is they always put a lot of junk in that you dont need or want. For example, mine likes putting <p align=left> on every new line, and never ends them, so when I view my site in firebird, it messes up and I have to remove them all manually.
gooooogle said:
You a games programmer then?

I do quite a bit of that.

Not sure if that was directed at me, sorry if it wasnt, but if it was:

I do a bit of everything, which can get quite taxing, but I pick up things on computers very easily. I mainly do game and application development, but I must admit, I have become very fond of PHP recently ;)