I hope I can get some professional assistance here.
What can you say about cirtexhosting.com? Are they good web host?
Would they be able handle my ffmpeg content as promised?
Most web hosting companies can provide that ffmpeg content. I know that I do. but to answer your question, your best bet is to go onto there live chat support and ask them. That's what I would do. Best of luck
Never used their services, but I can tell you that they promptly pay for the advertisement they have on my site. In that sense, it's nice doing business with them.
they are ok, good support and rather friendly, they dont have any real server setup though, just single servers everywhere, so you only get the power of that one server running mysql email http etc..
On average, don't you think most reviews across the board for all providers are negative though. Satisfied clients pretty much chug along day to day without saying a word.
I would say if you are going to comment on a host, especially in a negative way which many seem to be doing here, people with no experience with the host, it would be simple common courtesy to leave your signature out of the post.
I never heard about them or seen them lol. Best thing I think to do is take your time look around the site. Then look up the whios and see how long they been up and just like check them out look on other hosting discussion sites and try to find reviews.
I think you have to access the website for viewing,then you can select one way to test the provider's service,such livechat ,submitting tickets or calling.I believe that you will get your own answer.