Do you have to pay for control panels?

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Nobull said:
If your only using one site and is windows you can use helm lite i believe it's called free

Yes, Helm Lite is for free. You can host up to 5 domains using this free version.

I would suggest you purchase a full version as it is not as expensive as you think. Its really cheap as it includes control panel, smartermail, smarterstats, smarterticket and 1 year of update protection and of support.

One-Time Licenses

Helm 4 Control Server Licence $899
Helm 4 Remote Server Licence $299
Helm 4 Lite 20 (20 domains) $199
Helm 4 Lite 100 (100 domains) $399

Included in all one-time licences are $500 worth of software from SmarterTools and 1 year of update protection and basic support.

Monthly Leased Licenses

Monthly Licence - 20 Domains $29
Monthly Licence - 100 Domains $39
Monthly Licence - Unlimited Domains $49

To purchase Helm please click here.

MOD NOTE: Edited for content. Affiliate links are not permitted anywhere on the forum.
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Webmin is free and a start.

VPS control panels are generally really low costing - 4 to 10$ a month depending on provider. However as the story goes - what you want back from a control panel is how much you will invest into it.

A CPanel for VPS would cost around 5-10$ a month...

For dedicated servers you look at around 20-25$ (OR LESS) per month for the same.

Buying outright is another case , You may qualify for educational discounts along the way or non profit org offers.
Depends on what software, and what kind of hosting are you using?

For shared hosting, you usually never have to pay for a control panel.. but when you have a dedicated server, you need your own license Im pretty sure, so cPanel and Plesk Cost money because of the license. If you're talking about a dedicated server, just go to the dedicated server website and see how much what panel will cost, some cost less than others, but usually cPanel is anywhere from 20-30$ A month more.

Correct on shared you never have to pay for control panel. On vps most vps panels can buy a shared license cheap from the webhost. And dedicated you usualy have to pay for a license however I would buy from someone who would include it with the monthly server cost. It usually costs alittle more but It saves you from buying it separate since they buy in bulk.
We can get cpanel VPS licences for around £7 but they can only be used on a vps.

Another user in this topic mentioned Cube Panel - we were thinking of using i on some of our systems and as it also supplies you wit ha free 30 domain licence you have nothing to loose...
Im not intending on setting up a web host, this information is for a friend of mine.
Basically what I want to know is which control panels are free & which ones you have to pay for (if you have to pay for any at all).
Also if it is possible to give the price that is fantastic!

ispconfig and webmin is free
cpanel,plesk,directadmin,servercp,etc should pay...
I pay for a server to be licensed with cPanel monthly but no my clients do not pay for them. I am not sure how many other hosting places do the same or not.
I have customers that use ISPConfig but cannot vouch for it one way or another. I would assume it’s pretty good as I offer all my servers with DirectAdmin for free and I still have customers that use this. I have always been a fan of DirectAdmin it might have a monthly cost associated but I would say its well worth it.
if you are not selling shared hosting and you have server administration knowledge, webmin is a great free control panel to make your life easier :)
For linux control panel

Cpanel, Plesk, Direct admin,webmin with virtualmin are ok

For windows

Plesk, Dotnet panel, Hosting controller, Helm, Ensim are ok

Many free panels are there for both linux and windows but not much effective for an example Lxadmin is there for linux which have less support from any one
Webuzo is fully-featured FREE Control Panel for your server allowing you you to manage domains, SSL certificates, FTP accounts, email accounts, database management, zone files, mx records and a lot more It comes with inbuilt Softaculous to help you auto-install a wide range of scripts.
It also has a Premium version costing around $2.5/month
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