Do you advertise using banners?


New member
How many webhosts use banner advertising as their main form of marketing? I have used banner advertising multiple times before and have only experienced a few sites to be highly effective, it's interesting to note one of the stronger campaigns I had was using a larger advert size 728 x 90 I believe.

What do you think to banner advertising? Where do you do get your banners from? Make them yourself or a designer like bannersmall, Marengo etc? Do you find advertising using banners to be effective or not?
To say the truth, we are still new in banner advertising, we are still considering launching an advertising campaign using banners at some high traffic sites, mostly the iNet network. I dont know if it has a good ROI, but hey most hosting companies do it, so they must be getting some results, right ;)
You know, I think the first mistake of a new company is advertising on huge sites like wht. Establish yourself first and get a reputation. I would prefer to advertise on 10 smaller sites and spread my increase my marketbase than put everything into one site.

Also, the companies that advertise on wht have huge budgets, so they probably get a decent return. There isn't a point in advertising if you're not buying more than 100,000 impressions. How often do you see a banner before you click it?

Also, you need a banner that stands out. All the banners these days are bannersmall clones and don't do any site justice. I love the site5/unitedhosting banners and i'm sure their ctr reflects this.
You do have some good points robson, especially the one about it not making any sence to get less than 100,000 impressions on WHT, there are other places to advertise at, and we are still looking for the best place.
I also do agree about advertising on different places, i guess that should give better results than putting all of your budget in one site.
Advertising on huge sites is not about a return, it is about increasing your brand awareness. It is a given fact that most of the companies that advertise on websites like wht are looking at getting their name established as a core company.

To me a core company is one that shows the customer that they have the infrastructure to take on any demand. As far as getting clients from wht your better off answering questions and providing informative posts then advertising a banner ad. I think the only thing I ever purchased through a banner at wht was backup hosting from gnax, which really was not needed but my main point in getting it was increasing redundancy and it was very cheap.

Now that I offer colospace along with dedicated servers I am looking into a few methods for creating a backup server and will eventually offer that as one of my services!
Yes advertising on WHT isnt the best idea, but the iNet network has lots of sites you can advertise on shuch as advertising on such sites hould give a better ROI than advertising on WHT

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