Do you accept Credit Cards?

Worst problem about CreditCards is the highers fees and gateways commisions. But in the other hand is an easy and fast way to pay.
Because there tends to be a lot of fees involved, some businesses both on and offline don't allow customers to pay with a Credit Card. Generally this may scare away a fair amount of customers, but some feel that they have no choice but to not accept it. How about you?

This isn't really much of an issue if you account for those in your prices. If you attempt to compete with the big wigs in the game on price, you will go broke in no time flat unless you oversell like crazy.

You could also require a certain amount before allowing a credit card transaction. If you are charging 2$ a month, you could require the person to pay for at least 6 months of services to make it worth while for a credit card transaction.
