New member
On this note, I would like to take this thread back to its original discussion rather than discussion about HD. If someone has questions/concerns, you are always welcome to post in the Feedback forum.
Ok, the title of this thread is " Do Follow or No Follow" so I hope it's ok to continue on that and related topics. I agree, let's focus on forums and sites in general, not HD specifically.
No, I'm not suggesting that a forum owner not be rewarded. I only mentioned your ads in the context of your suggestion that as posters we should consider the discussion alone a suitable benefit for typing on a forum, instead of on our own sites. But let's move along...
I've been reading webmaster forums since the very first day they began about 14-15 years ago, and am convinced the content quality has suffered a slow but steady decline over that period.
There are now hundreds, maybe thousands, of webmaster forums, all doing pretty much the same thing. Anybody can post anything so long as they don't spam, and try to stay on topic.
So my question is, how many magazines do you subscribe to that publish just about any article anybody submits? How many magazines do you read that are almost exactly like every other magazine?
One theory is that communities that want to raise their head above this crowd of copycat competitors might consider what I call the "Letter To The Editor" model.
This model is...
Anybody can read of course. And anybody can submit a post too. But only the best posts get published, just like in the Letter To The Editor section of your local paper.
Yes, I know, this is sounding like a lot of work for the mod. But compared to what, writing all the content on our site ourselves?
A few things to consider.
If every post is run through a moderator prior to publication, there will be _exactly zero chance of spam_ being published. Once this fact is made clear to visitors, spammers will vanish. Gone. No longer a need to deal with them at all. End of problem.
Also, once posters realize that they have to exert their best effort to be heard, they will do so, or they will be gone. The best posters remain, the others go elsewhere.
End result. Over time, the mod mail box becomes a lower volume of mostly quality content, and moderating stops being a thankless job of managing the clueless etc.
End result. Readers get a much better reading experience. Equals more links. Equals more traffic. Equals more ad income.
In the net forum community this sounds like an idealistic impossible revolutionary proposal that could never possibly work.
But, all this theory really is, is the way thousands of quality publications have been operated for hundreds of years.
So, as example....
This post is the kind of content you wish to encourage on your forum, or it isn't.
If I'm giving you what you want, I should be rewarded and encouraged to continue.
If the post doesn't meet your standard, it should be deleted. You are under no obligation to publish me, and if I don't get that, oh well, my problem.
Thus hath I ranted.