Forum is the public community for the users to look for the information and search for review on certain services and products. If the responder could help you and provide you the information. It is likely the customer wanna know more about this responder background or responder company.
Not only do I visit forums to get what I I have said before...I do check them out.
I think a big mistake many make is not have a seperate coupon code for each you know where they come from. I have seen the same codes on several boards. It is very easy to to have different codes for each you know how different ads work.
Also..I am sorry to report many do not test these codes.
You need to test the codes and make sure they work exactly like you want them to. should have a expiration date for the codes. After want to make them act *Now*.
Of course, you can find the best information about what a particular web hosting company offers through these types of forums, and if their offering any types of specials.
as yet i have recieved no new customers from forums, but i do think its essential getting your name known, chatting to friends and the competition and finding new things out, gathering ideas and giving and recieving advice is the best things i get from forums!!