DirectI reseller account - Just signed up need some help!


New member
Just signed up with DirectI reseller account to resell domains.

Can anyone tell what is the easiest way to make domains available to my hosting customers?
I just want to get it setup quickly so customers can get their domains through me also.

Does anyone know if you have to add $75 of funds to your account before you can start buying domains?
I think thats what you have to do but just making sure.
Also, if it is $75 minimum, what about paying via paypal...they say the money if put into your account BUT they deduct the paypal fees...does that mean I have to send more than the $75 to cover putting the fees into the account?


I'm not sure about Directi, but I know there are domain reseller programs out there that don't charge you any up front fees.

I'm always immediately turned off when someone wants me to pay them for the priviledge of selling their stuff!

The one I use is fully customizable, to my site, the prices aren't as low as say enom, but I don't sell enough domains a year to make any investment in a reseller program worthwhile - the ROI isn't there, or at least not in any period of time that I find acceptable.

I just searched on google, and found a ton of transparent domain name reseller programs.

Think carefully about how many domains you'll have to sell, to make money, and about what your support and technology obligations are.
