Different Depts

I do it for a reason, support goes to support,security I have staff look there, but for sales, I run sales, and since all contact forms go to me, the sales e-mail is only used for paypal.
Well I am a one man show. I have the sales, support seperate emails but they all go to me. I think it looks more profeshional that way even if it goes to the same person.
We have 4 separate emails listed, but have 3 depts (people) monitoring them.

Sales goes to sales, support to support and everything else to me :)

<< Do you have different departments for your hosting company such as sales@yourcompany.com, customerservice@yourcompany.com? Do you actually need this? What I meant was is your company this BiG to have separate emails...do you have the staff to look into or is it just there for show? >>

Yes. We do have different departments, as so should all companies. Yes, we need this - it helps sort out sales from sales, support from support. For shared hosting, my sales team know nothing about managing servers or cPanel, while on the other hand my support team don't know the first thing about good deals and how low you should go.
If you have 250+ clients, yes you need it. You may not think you do, but you really do. A lot of companies, do, however, have all their e-mails sent into a help desk - meaning the specific deparment team only checks tickets in that ticket folder. This can be a lot easier and better than having ten support staff trying to check e-mails all at once. ;)

Most companies should actually have more than this. The bigger the company is - and especially if it is a real company which is an LLC or Ltd or Inc or whatever - the more they need. You should really have: sales@, billing@, support@, info@, abuse@, partners@, network@, marketing@, press@ .... and the list continues.
Not to mention, have an e-mail address for all your important staff members - you if you're the president of the company, each one of the board of directors, sales manager, support manager, etc.
Large companies, and I mean large, really have lots of e-mail addresses and lots of staff - you sometimes have trouble realising where to send your e-mail. :p

<< I think it looks more profeshional that way even if it goes to the same person. >>

Yes, that is very true. Even if it is for show, it makes your company look more like a real company and makes it look a lot more professional. Be honest, would you go with a company who only had me@company.com instead of sales@, billing@, etc.? Now be honest - the amount of addresses a company has listed is psychological, no doubt about it - the more they have, the more content the client is and the more likely they are to go with you.
We have separate emails for different departments and also for main executives such as myself who is the sales manager. This is useful in terms of organizing things as mentioned earlier and not to mention it does look professional.