different climate zones, different climate horrors


New member
I live in a comfortable climate ranging from 17 C (62.6 F) to 27 C (80.6 F) with a few days thrown in .. never more than 3 days .. at 10 C (50 F) in winter and 38 C (104 F) in summer

80% of our rain falls in Spring .. right when the gardens need it

My heater is turned in for no more than 5 weeks a year

Sound good to you people in the wooly jumpers in England ? Thinking of emigrating like the last wave of migrants we got escaping from Thatcher ?
Think again. We have bloody bushfires !

10 more weeks before Summer kicks in and the fires are with us already. Rainfall's been low for the last 3 years, everything is tinder dry, the fires have started


don't come out here
Thatcher? lol
I like living in a "mild" climate - as you have something to look forward to in July lol.
I was "lucky" enough to be there for the big New Year bushfires....

....Still - they make for some nice photos!!

<a href='http://www.markcastle.com/photos/oz.asp' target='_blank'>http://www.markcastle.com/photos/oz.asp</a>

Excellent country.

fabulous photos

that one taken at Sussex Inlet (not the arty one :D) made me shiver

and a great shot from the plane

glad you enjoyed your trip, you seemed to have got around a bit, put a few miles in .. from the Reef to the Rock is a fair haul .. and a hefty drive from Sydney to Melbourne too

(glad you didn't have photos of kangaroos)
Oh i have got Photos of Kangaroos (Doesn't everyone who visits Oz?!!) - don't you like them?

Yep - got around a fair bit.... Also drove from Cairns to Brisbane, plus Most of the way round NZ North Island, plus visited HK, Singapore and Bangkok - all in a month!! :shock: Had to be done!!

The Sussex Inlet shots were taken as the main (only) highway was blocked by the fires, so we pondered what to do for a while (as we had to be in Melbourne at a certain time to catch our flight to the Rock). We ended up back tracking a bit and driving via your capital. Next time, must visit Darwin, Perth and Adelaide i reckon!! :D

darwin is beautiful .. at least for 9 months of the year

when I retire I want to do it in darwin, sitting in the sun with a few cold beers and a laptop

look, this country is so big there are places I've never been and besides it's cheaper for me to go to Indonesia or Fiji than to Perth
they may even be closer I don't know
I think perth is officially the most remote City in the world !!

One of my friends is emigrating there...Selling his house so that he can buy a mansion sized house there. Funny thing is - he's never even been to Oz!! Odd.
My ISP is in Perth :lol:

it's supposed to have a climate to kill for but it's become a metaphor for a retirement village for criminals , something similar to Costa del Crime perhaps ?
I don't know if the denizens of Perth are aware of this, but who cares ? If they take offence they're too far away to do anything about it :mrgreen: