Differences Between Online and 3D Clients


New member
It's been a while since I dealt so much with real clients and am finding it hard to say no to requests. I realise that body language is powerful, but why am I such a pushover when face to face with a person, when compared to my online dealings in similar situations?
Like you said, body language can say a heck of alot, and they are obviously reading you like a book, and taking advantage of it.

Next time stand your ground, be confident (show it!) and make eye contact when speaking. You would be surprised at how quick and easy you can turn the coin around. ;)
I need body language coaching-so that I can tell them that I mean business without actually having to say it. So far it's nothing but a few minutes here or there-me not being able to put my foot down and just say that no-that level of 'tweaking' will cost you more.

Or perhaps I need to have someone else handle the quotes :P
AbbieRose, what do you envision would happen if you stood your ground. When I raised prices in my Salon, all my stylists told me I'd lose all their clients or they wouldn't get the same tips, but that didn't happen. I lost one $20/month client, but revenue went up and so did their commissions. Your time is valuable - they will understand. :D
I really don't know-daft isn't it? I try for a time and they keep talking and pushing and they push harder than me and suddenly I realise I have been had. 'No' isn't exactly a hard word to say is it?
It's actually really easy to say NO. I just watched a video this morning that sort of pertains to this - it said body language was 55%, tone was 38% and words were 7% - meaning you need to convey the value of your time accordingly. Say the words, but back them up with body language and tone. :D
I'm beginning to have to face my fears as I seek local clients. Business wise, its a smart move as their is no real local competition and a whole Main Street with shops with virtually no online presence.

The downside is, I'm a nervous wreck in these situations. I'm passionate about what I am doing, feel as if I can provide a valuable service to these local businesses yet lack the social skills to appropriately express it.

Of course, online clients are a total different story. While its still speaking to a real person, the method of communicating makes it much easier to handle.

I'm sure its just something that you begin to get comfortable with as time goes on, and you do it more and more.
My last real issue here is that I never had this problem in the past. I don't see why it is that now, suddenly, I have to be a pushover. I thought people toughened up when they got older!