

New member
Hey guys, I'm just wondering what the difference between VPS and Dedicated hosting. I want to buy some better hosting but I'm not sure which one I should get.
A VPS is a dedicated server partioned into various sections, each with full root access. It functions exactly like a dedicated server, hence "virtual" private server, so I'd recommend starting off with a VPS and then upgrading to a dedicated server when your needs require it.

Dedicated server is a complex machine with a single operating system with single control panel.

VPS is a single complex machine with a multiple operating system with multiple control panels with complete access.

Thank you.

a dedicated server means you have use of the entire server and all of its resources. A VPS server means that the 1 whole server is seperated into maybe 8 different Virtual Private Servers and those 8 share the whole servers resources. So if someone on abcwebhost.com's VPS runs a ton of processes and bogs the server, it still effects your clients. A dedi server wouldnt do that because only you and your clients use it.
It basically comes down to what you need. A dedicated or a vps will both work, it just depends on how much you want to pay and the resources that you need.

As everyone mentioned above. A Virtual Dedicated or Private Server is pretty much a mini Dedicated Server on a Server where the Server has been partioned into smaller chunks and allocated part of the Hard Drive and Memory whilst the CPU is shared Equally.

Control Panel's for example cPanel tend to be cheaper for a VPS Cpanel License hence if you want to become a distributor you need approx. 150 VPS Licenses. That's why someone like FDCServers can provide a good Spec VPS with cPanel Free for $39.00 per Month.

A Dedicated Server is just one which is Dedicated to you and not shared with anyone else.

Hope this Helps.
One caveat with VPS' : Although you share CPU equally, it doesn't mean you can run the cpu's into the ground. Most companies will contact you if/when you start causing slowdowns to others on the same node.

A dedicated server, you can run it however you see fit...
Duality, you have to estimate your needs to chose between vps and dedicated server, mainly in terms of hdd.
I suggest you start off with a VPS and then probably later move onto a dedicated server. This will allow you time to learn how servers work and should provide you with everything you need for now.
Duality, how much bandwidth do you need? How much space do you need? What are you going to host?
hostechsupport said:

Dedicated server is a complex machine with a single operating system with single control panel.

VPS is a single complex machine with a multiple operating system with multiple control panels with complete access.

Thank you.


This is a very simple way of putting it. If you are just starting I would go with VPS servers over dedicated as it is less to deal with and depending on what technolgy you go with the control panel will give you the OOPS factor of a one click restore back to defaults so you are protected. Not a good idea if you have important data on there to use this feature unless you have a good backup. The control panel will also give you these good backup options built right in to help you out.