Design Contest: Site and Logo

Democentre said:
Artashes, im still waiting for any proof, regarding this renewed allegation,
What allegation?
Democentre said:
And i also have some more information to post to you with regard to "Our Problem"
Post away. I got nothing to hide. In fact, I'd be more pleased if you do.
However, weren't you the one who have just emailed me 20 minutes ago wanting me to remove this thread?
Democentre said:
im still waiting for any proof, regarding this renewed allegation,
Well, you have openly admitted that the text was stolen the first time around, although your initial response was "I couldn't care less". But you then did have to care when LT came down on you for blatent copyright infringement. And then 2 weeks later, you put the Zencart and Xmail product back up again. And you did it with a feeble but transparent "fix" by changing a few words in a few text boxes. You want proof of this renewed allegation? No problem. Here is my text for the cPanel Xmail Webmail tutorial:
Frame 2 - This tutorial will show you how to use WebMail in cPanel
Frame 3 - There are several ways to access Webmail for your POP accounts
Frame 4 - One way is to point your browser to (of course, replacing with your actual domain)
Frame 5 - Another way is to go to your Mail Management area and login from there
Frame 6 - And finally, you can click here to go directly to WebMail
Frame 7 - Depending on the your server configuration, you may have a choice of a few mail programs to help you manage your mail. In this example, we will use SquirrelMail
Frame 9 - OK, let's get started. To better organize your email, you can create folders in which to store your messages
Frame 15 - You can make it a top level folder, or a sub-folder of an existing one
Frame 19 - Let's refresh the Folder List to see the new folder we just created
Frame 21 - As you can see, you have successfully added a top-level folder
Frame 22 - For convenience, you may add names and addresses to your Address Book
Frame 34 - To send Jane a new email message, simply click on her address and a Compose Email window will open with her address already placed in the To field
Frame 35 - SquirrelMail allows you to set your mail preferences
Frame 36 - As you can see, you have many options for configuring the way your mail is handled, and how your interface is set up
Frame 37 - And finally, let's compose and send an email
Frame 38 - Most of the fields here are pretty self-explanatory
Frame 46 - We have sent ourselves an email. As you can see, it is now waiting for us in our Inbox
Frame 48 - Once you have read the mail, you can store it in a folder, forward it, reply to it or delete it altogether
Frame 49 - And of course, when you're all done, don't forget to logout
Frame 50 - That's it!<br>You are now able to manage your mail in WebMail
You can now watch your movie at products/English/xmail.html . Anyone with half a brain can compare the two and see the obvious infraction. Sheesh. How can you possibly defend such an obvious case of theft? Oh, and BTW, earlier in this thread, I used one of your Zencart tutorials (Installing Zencart) as evidence of theft of product. It is interesting that you have since removed that product page again. Hmm. Why is that? If you have nothing to hide, why take the product page down? But don't worry, in the event you now take down the Xmail page too, I have captured your Webmail tutorial as proof, so you won't be able to "hide" that one too by taking it offline. ;)

Democentre said:
see there is none they are not the same and i "admit" they where very simlar the first time round this was a mistake on my account i released them without checking but we all make mistakes
It is very interesting to see how you publicly acknowledge having made a "mistake":
I apologies if someone we out source to has a little bit of a problem creating the content but to be honest I couldn’t care less! After all they only get compared to yours which if we are honest and as this IS MY thread, are no better just dearer!
Yup. That certainly sounds like a responsible and genuine acknowledgement of a "mistake" and an honest and immediate effort to remedy the situation. :rolleyes:
Democentre said:
But the problem still remains in Vito's insistance this should be not have been done publicly but in private!
You're kidding, right? Let me get this straight. I see that a competitor is selling tutorials that contain a blatent and obvious theft of my text, my hard work, my time and effort, and you are suggesting that I extend any kind of courtesy? :disagree:

Let me put this as suscinctly as I possibly can. You are entitled to no courtesy or discretion whatsoever. You are a competitor. You have stolen my hard work and claimed it as your own. You then pretty much said "up yours" when I called you on it. And when you were eventually forced to deal with it by your upstream provider, you "fixed" things by making a couple of minor word changes and uploaded the same product, still 95% stolen.

Courtesy? Discretion? Private vs public? Bah. I think not.

I find it funny how Nathan makes big claims all over the place about what a big company he is and how he will have his team of "solicitors" shut you down and yet he seems to act like a four year old with the personal insults. ie: "outdated old timer"

Nathan, why don't you grow up or at least act like an adult.
If you were a man you would have admitted your mistakes and removed the illegal material from your site. You are nothing but a leech living off the work of others and I commend Vito for being vigilant in protecting his work from people like you.

I suppose you will send your team of lawyers after me too but that's OK. Since I doubt you are old enough to be taken seriously by an real lawyer I won't lose any sleep.
Nor will Art or Vito I'm sure.

Do the right thing Nathan. Stop stealing the work of others. Make an honest living.
Hi all of you,

I have been directed to this thread by DemoCentre to clear a few things up. Firstly i'd like to tell you all that although I am a new member to this forum, I am experienced in dealing with things like this on other forums which I won't mention here in fear of breaking the rules as they are different everywhere.

I am a webhost as well as an experienced content writer, and a month or so ago, I replied to an advert for a contact writer by DemoCentre. I was given the job by Nathan and my job was to reword some of the tutorials to make them more profesional and also to check all of the other major competitors to make sure that the guides were not too similar. Whilst doing this I noticed how similar all of the Demo guides where on each of the companies that offer this. They all had huge similarities that looked clearly like they had been copied at some stage. It is of no doubt that all of the demo companies are guilty of this to a certain extent, but Nathan at DemoCentre actually was determined to make sure that his company changed them to prevent any clashes like this, which to me shows great professionalism.

I find it quite sad to see that another DemoDemo is acusing DemoCentre of copying tutorials when OnlyDemos seems to have a lot of sentances and captions the same. I also find it strange to see moderators on this forum threating Nathan for posting a personal attack, when I could quote several sentances from DemoDemo that do exactly the same thing.

I feel that if DemoDemo want to take this further then they should do so in a court room rather than continuing to post messages which could damage their own position if such a court case ever occured.

I hope you read what I say, and I ask you all to be objective and not to try and pick my message apart saying that Nathan told me to write this etc. I am willing to post all of my evidence of what I did for DemoCentre to the moderators so it can be confirmed.

Tell you what Markjut. I personally don't give a damn what you think.
You are simply a plant by a sleazy low rent operator who is now hiding behind you.

DemoDemo was the first on this market, PERIOD.
You try to justify the sleazy stealing tactics by saying that everyone does it. Well little man, this is BS. Just because some kiddies out there decide to use their warez versions of RoboDemo and some stolen content from real business men to try and make a cheap dollar it does not make it right, and the fact that you decided to come here and defend it shows with great clarity your lack of character.

Your friend at Democentre didn't have the maturity or the balls for that matter to own up to his mistakes so he went crying to you to come and defend him. Pathetic.

I assume you are the one responsible for the stolen content?
And you call yourself an "experienced" content writer? Experienced at what? Copyright violations?

It is sad that the internet has afforded you children a venue to use your low end dishonest tactics but trust me, you will disappear just like all the rest.

You and your little friend at democentre try to impress us all with your "experience". We are not impressed. If you had experience you would do business honestly and spare everyone the crap.
markjut said:
Hi all of you,

I have been directed to this thread by DemoCentre to clear a few things up. Firstly i'd like to tell you all that although I am a new member to this forum, I am experienced in dealing with things like this on other forums which I won't mention here in fear of breaking the rules as they are different everywhere.

I am a webhost as well as an experienced content writer, and a month or so ago, I replied to an advert for a contact writer by DemoCentre. I was given the job by Nathan and my job was to reword some of the tutorials to make them more profesional and also to check all of the other major competitors to make sure that the guides were not too similar. Whilst doing this I noticed how similar all of the Demo guides where on each of the companies that offer this. They all had huge similarities that looked clearly like they had been copied at some stage. It is of no doubt that all of the demo companies are guilty of this to a certain extent, but Nathan at DemoCentre actually was determined to make sure that his company changed them to prevent any clashes like this, which to me shows great professionalism.

I find it quite sad to see that another DemoDemo is acusing DemoCentre of copying tutorials when OnlyDemos seems to have a lot of sentances and captions the same. I also find it strange to see moderators on this forum threating Nathan for posting a personal attack, when I could quote several sentances from DemoDemo that do exactly the same thing.

I feel that if DemoDemo want to take this further then they should do so in a court room rather than continuing to post messages which could damage their own position if such a court case ever occured.

I hope you read what I say, and I ask you all to be objective and not to try and pick my message apart saying that Nathan told me to write this etc. I am willing to post all of my evidence of what I did for DemoCentre to the moderators so it can be confirmed.



Please address the following points:

1. Refer to my last post in this thread. Open up the Xmail tutorials at democentre in another window. Now please take the time to compare the text that I posted to all the text throughout the Webmail tutorial. I challenge you to tell me that it is not 95% copied verbatum. I will be surprised if you tell me otherwise. If you can't see the obvious, then you have no credibility in this discussion.

2. Why was democentre's zencart product page taken down (again) after I posted that, for example, the "Installing Zencart" was still mostly a rip of my text?

As for your other points, yes, sadly, there are far too many tutorial providers who rip content. But I will tell you unequivocally that I will never be shown to have ripped another provider. I take great pride in my work, and I would never lower myself to that level. Besides, I have my own style of writing , so I wish to maintain consistency throughout all my product. In fact, if by chance some other provider produces a series before I do, I never even watch their tutorials before I produce a series for my own site. I am vehement about creating my own content, my own topics list, etc. By contrast, look at many of the other providers in the market and tell me how many copy everything from my topics list to my content. Unfortunately, far too many don't bother to make the effort of defining their own style and feel, and take the cheap way out by copying someone else's hard work. It's pretty sad, really. I will say at this point that the one competitor who has taken the high road and made the effort to develop his own content is Demowolf. And for that, I applaud Rob.

Onlydemos? Yes, I have caught them a few times in the past, and I have enforced my right of copyright. If they still are doing it (as you claim), then I will investigate and take appropriate action.

You feel that my recent actions in the forums are inappropriate? You feel that I should take this to the courtroom? You feel that I am making statements of personal attack? Well, let me explain. Democentre is located in the UK. I am not particularly interested in spending the money required to sue someone in another country. Given my options, I prefer to achieve my goal via forums and via reporting to upstream providers. In the end, the reuslt will (hopefully) be the same, and I will not have wasted money on legally pursuing every person who decides to steal from me.

You think my words have been of inappropriate personal attack in nature? Read all my posts. All my posts have been factual. If I call someone a thief, it is because they have stolen from me. What else would you have me label them?.

I take my business very seriously. And since I was the "first" to start creating Flash tutorials for web hosting 4 years ago, I have been an easy and obvious target for many newcomers to rip text, product ideas, topics lists, etc. Believe me, you never get used to it, you never become complacent about it. In the end, people who steal from me take food off my family's table. I defy you to challenge my passion in defending my right to protect my own intellectual property. If you cannot see the clarity in my points, then we simply cannot have a discussion, as you are either not willing or not able to grasp these very fundamental facts.

Hello Markjut, I would like to address your concerns without taking apart your message, as you say. It is also not my first day managing the community, so my points will touch on the general concepts of your post.

As a concerned member of this community, I would like to receive clarifications on something you said. First, you mentioned the job you were hired to do was to "reword some of the tutorials to make them more professional and also to check all of the other major competitors to make sure that the guides were not too similar."

The job description states that you basically have to take someone else's material, reword it and make it look professional... which is paradox by itself. In spite of that, which tutorials would that be based on anyway?

You also first said you were directed to this thread by DemoCentre, and then say no one asked you to post. Why direct someone here if you do not expect them to post? "I have been directed to this thread by DemoCentre to clear a few things up." ... "I hope you read what I say, and I ask you all to be objective and not to try and pick my message apart saying that Nathan told me to write this etc."

Now, as a moderator of this community, I can assure you that the moderation is in line with our policies. Nathan and me had an off-site discussion (if you can name it that - it felt very one-sided). With all the personal threats made to me,, and other members, I can tell you that DemoCentre is lucky to still have account privileges at

I am willing to post all of my evidence of what I did for DemoCentre to the moderators so it can be confirmed.
Please post all the evidence, and also where the material came from. But what do you expect the moderators to confirm exactly?

Blue said:
Tell you what Markjut. I personally don't give a damn what you think.
You are simply a plant by a sleazy low rent operator who is now hiding behind you.

DemoDemo was the first on this market, PERIOD.
You try to justify the sleazy stealing tactics by saying that everyone does it. Well little man, this is BS. Just because some kiddies out there decide to use their warez versions of RoboDemo and some stolen content from real business men to try and make a cheap dollar it does not make it right, and the fact that you decided to come here and defend it shows with great clarity your lack of character.

Your friend at Democentre didn't have the maturity or the balls for that matter to own up to his mistakes so he went crying to you to come and defend him. Pathetic.

I assume you are the one responsible for the stolen content?
And you call yourself an "experienced" content writer? Experienced at what? Copyright violations?

It is sad that the internet has afforded you children a venue to use your low end dishonest tactics but trust me, you will disappear just like all the rest.

You and your little friend at democentre try to impress us all with your "experience". We are not impressed. If you had experience you would do business honestly and spare everyone the crap.

I am very disapointed about this message, although I half-expected someone to post something like this as it has become something of a thing in forums like this. People jumping on the bandwagon and taking a side without knowing any evidence.

I am not a plant, nor I am I responsible for any stolen work, my work was simply brushing up grammar and checking to try and avoid simularities. Now, granted there is lots of simularities still, but, there are only so many ways of saying how to do things. Possibly in the past, DemoCentre's original writer did copy content, but now I believe it to be sufficiently different on the tutorials that I updated anyway, and I won't say which ones unless Nathan allows me to.

Nor do I appreciate personal attacks against me, I did my best to be objective and to present you with what I knew and thought in the nicest possible manner, and in return get called lots of things. To me this is no worse than copyright theft which I am entirely against. Yes, I am experienced in both content writing and indeed operate a medium-sized hosting business which I will not post here because I don't want to break any advertising rules.

It surprizes me that "Blue" is a community advisor when s/he is responding like that to a perfectly decent message by me. But never mind, I am not going to be a permanent member of this forum after this thread.

I think i'll answer Artashes questions next, at least s/he was far more amicable and pleasant asking questions which I would have asked were the roles reversed. My rewording involved the following. I had word documents of all of the tutorials that I was to reword, I then brushed up all of the grammar and added a few extra details where it was thin on the ground. I then went around several of the competitors which Nathan specified checking for anything that was too similar, I then edited some parts to remove offending phrases. So no copyright infringements would have occured through me doing that, quite the opposite. I hope that answers your question, if you have any more please ask :)

Finally i'll come to vitto, who I would like to thank for being extremely polite in his message even though he is from DemoDemo. I will try my best to answer your questions here although forgive me if I miss any parts.

1) The XMail tutorials are similar I agree, but I will quote my previous comment that it is very hard to tell someone to click a button without any similarities. XMail was indeed one of the sets that I reworded slightly to make it more professional. Granted they are similar and granted that I can see that they probably have been copied in the past. I wasn't denying that, I was saying that Nathan had realised this and had hired someone (me) to reword them slightly to avoid problems like the one here.

2) Can't answer that, I do not work for DemoCentre I just re-wrote some of the tutorials

I can see that you take your business seriously, and I can respect that, I would be the same in your position. I wrote down the similarities with OnlyDemo's and providing I can find them, I would be happy to send them to you. Again I understand not wanting to go to court due to international boundaries and I hope to, now that I am dragged into this, that an amicable solution is worked out, it would be better for both parties.

The original point of my message was to say that Nathan actually is making an effort to change the tutorials and that I wouldn't really call him a thief, because it would have been the original tutorial writers that copied the content, and once he realised he started to change them, which to me shows professionalism.

Any further questions please ask.
markjut said:
I think i'll answer Artashes questions next, at least s/he was far more amicable and pleasant asking questions which I would have asked were the roles reversed. My rewording involved the following. I had word documents of all of the tutorials that I was to reword, I then brushed up all of the grammar and added a few extra details where it was thin on the ground. I then went around several of the competitors which Nathan specified checking for anything that was too similar, I then edited some parts to remove offending phrases. So no copyright infringements would have occured through me doing that, quite the opposite. I hope that answers your question, if you have any more please ask :)
In all honesty, I find it strange that after so much corrections, rephrasing and remodeling, as you say took place, the content on many of the products ended up being the exact copy of what DemoDemo has. You might have been responsible for editing, but the source document (whoever produced it) being so similar just doesn't make up for the strange coincidence in my view. And the source document is what we are talking about here. If you were handed the material that was already copied, don't you see the wrongdoing in that?

My background is in journalism, so I am very much surprised that a writer such as yourself cannot recognize the fault.

I am very disapointed about this message, although I half-expected someone to post something like this as it has become something of a thing in forums like this. People jumping on the bandwagon and taking a side without knowing any evidence.

Unlike you, I have been here all along.
I didn't need some weakling to come ask me to bail them out.
There is no bandwagon jumping here other than you signing up to a forum to support your thief buddy. I have know Vito for quite a while now and I will back him any day against the likes of you children.

I am not a plant, nor I am I responsible for any stolen work, my work was simply brushing up grammar and checking to try and avoid simularities. Now, granted there is lots of simularities still, but, there are only so many ways of saying how to do things. Possibly in the past, DemoCentre's original writer did copy content, but now I believe it to be sufficiently different on the tutorials that I updated anyway, and I won't say which ones unless Nathan allows me to.

You are indeed a plant. You stated yourself that you were contacted to post here. You have also admitted to stealing material from other sites. You can call your "material" sufficiently when the fact is you don't even have the competance to produce your own material. You just steal material and try to modify it slightly. You are not even capable of doing that properly.

Nor do I appreciate personal attacks against me, I did my best to be objective and to present you with what I knew and thought in the nicest possible manner, and in return get called lots of things. To me this is no worse than copyright theft which I am entirely against. Yes, I am experienced in both content writing and indeed operate a medium-sized hosting business which I will not post here because I don't want to break any advertising rules.

I care very little about what you appreciate or don't appreciate.
You were not objective. You came to this forum because you were solicited to and now you are defending your own illegal practices. If you were against copyright theft you wouldn't support it which you are obviously doing.

It surprizes me that "Blue" is a community advisor when s/he is responding like that to a perfectly decent message by me. But never mind, I am not going to be a permanent member of this forum after this thread.

I am a community advisor here because I have been around long enough to be able to tell a scammer when one comes along. I know enough people in this industry to be able to tell who is legitimate and who is full of BS.
No, you are not going to be a permanent member here, because you have nothing to contribute and you have no purpose here.

The XMail tutorials are similar I agree, but I will quote my previous comment that it is very hard to tell someone to click a button without any similarities. XMail was indeed one of the sets that I reworded slightly to make it more professional. Granted they are similar and granted that I can see that they probably have been copied in the past. I wasn't denying that, I was saying that Nathan had realised this and had hired someone (me) to reword them slightly to avoid problems like the one here.

You claim to be a "content writer" and yet you still take jobs to "reword" copyright material "slightly".
You are a scam artist, period. You have no credibility.

The original point of my message was to say that Nathan actually is making an effort to change the tutorials and that I wouldn't really call him a thief, because it would have been the original tutorial writers that copied the content, and once he realised he started to change them, which to me shows professionalism.

Perhaps you missed Vito's earlier posts.
Nathan is an arrogant child who basically told Vito to go **** himself when he was confronted with his illegal content. Nathan made no attempt what so ever to change the content and he has even stated that he steal more content:
4) Talking FAQ the lot they will come, so Vito hold your horses you picked on the wrong person.

You can continue to back a loser and a thief if you choose or you can choose to be honest and condemn his acts. It's your choice. If you choose to continue to back this child and his illegal ways then you are no better than he is.
Last edited:
I never said that so many corrections etc took place, if you look at the XMail and cPanel tutorials, you can see that some are changed almost beyond recognition, whilst others are similar. As I was primarily there to make it more professional, and some of the tutorials were fine as they were. I do not claim to be copyright expert, rather someone who likes writing and likes words.

I really think that Nathan needs to post something now, I have done my best to present my view etc, but this appears to be a long-standing dispute way before I arrived on the scene. So I'll leave the floor open to him, and if you want anything else from me i'll keep viewing this thread until it is resolved.
markjut said:
I do not claim to be copyright expert, rather someone who likes writing and likes words.

You claim to be an experienced "content writer".
There is a huge difference between writing content and modifying copyright material.
It doesn't take a "copyright expert" to know this.
markjut said:
The XMail tutorials are similar I agree, but I will quote my previous comment that it is very hard to tell someone to click a button without any similarities. XMail was indeed one of the sets that I reworded slightly to make it more professional. Granted they are similar and granted that I can see that they probably have been copied in the past. I wasn't denying that, I was saying that Nathan had realised this and had hired someone (me) to reword them slightly to avoid problems like the one here.
Honestly, I am having trouble staying patient and civil in this thread, since the evidence is so blatant and so obvious. But I will indulge you in the interest of keeping the thread on track.

Here are my caption text entries:

Frame 2 - This tutorial will show you how to use WebMail in cPanel (copied verbatum)
Frame 3 - There are several ways to access Webmail for your POP accounts ("several" was changed to "some")
Frame 4 - One way is to point your browser to (of course, replacing with your actual domain) (marginal word swaps)
Frame 5 - Another way is to go to your Mail Management area and login from there (different, but same)
Frame 6 - And finally, you can click here to go directly to WebMail (incidental word changes, but essentially the same)
Frame 7 - Depending on the your server configuration, you may have a choice of a few mail programs to help you manage your mail. In this example, we will use SquirrelMail (reorganizing my text, but the same text)
Frame 9 - OK, let's get started. To better organize your email, you can create folders in which to store your messages (same message, just reworded)
Frame 15 - You can make it a top level folder, or a sub-folder of an existing one (same with minor changes)
Frame 19 - Let's refresh the Folder List to see the new folder we just created (just reworded same message)
Frame 21 - As you can see, you have successfully added a top-level folder (just reworded same message)
Frame 22 - For convenience, you may add names and addresses to your Address Book (just reworded same message)
Frame 34 - To send Jane a new email message, simply click on her address and a Compose Email window will open with her address already placed in the To field (virtually verbatum)
Frame 35 - SquirrelMail allows you to set your mail preferences (different)
Frame 36 - As you can see, you have many options for configuring the way your mail is handled, and how your interface is set up (similar but different)
Frame 37 - And finally, let's compose and send an email (minor word change)
Frame 38 - Most of the fields here are pretty self-explanatory (virtually verbatum)
Frame 46 - We have sent ourselves an email. As you can see, it is now waiting for us in our Inbox (virtually verbatum)
Frame 48 - Once you have read the mail, you can store it in a folder, forward it, reply to it or delete it altogether (virtually verbatum)
Frame 49 - And of course, when you're all done, don't forget to logout (virtually verbatum)
Frame 50 - That's it!<br>You are now able to manage your mail in WebMail (virtually verbatum)

Mark, taking an entirely "ripped" product and making a few token word changes does not make it original content. You should know that if you are an "experienced" writer. Changing "you have" to "you will see" does not constitute original text. The entire movie is still a rip. For crying out loud, surely there are different ways to cover Webmail. But when democentre's tutorial follows my exact topics (show different ways to login, select squirrelmail, make a folder, refresh folder list, add a contact, set preferences, send an email), it is a blatant rip. They have clearly watched my tutorial and copied it. For heaven's sake, they even copied the new folder called "Work" and the new contact called "Jane Smith" with "". Honest to God, if you can't see that, well, then we have nothing more to discuss. Sheesh. :rolleyes:

Frankly, I think you are doing yourself a great disservice by aligning yourself with this issue. By association, I/we can only draw logical conclusions about you.

One thing I know for sure. If some other provider had already produced a Webmail tutorial, and then I went to create one myself for my business, chances are, that unless I intentionally copied it, the odds would be 1000 to 1 that I would have ended up with the SAME path through the product, especially given that Webmail is so feture rich and has so many topics to cover.

Do I really have to explain this any more to you??

Ah - must have just missed the post by Blue when I posted my last one, I will reply to it here:

Sir, this comment is not needed:
"I didn't need some weakling to come ask me to bail them out.
There is no bandwagon jumping here other than you signing up to a forum to support your thief buddy. I have know Vito for quite a while now and I will back him any day against the likes of you children."

You do not know me, which is of course obvious as I do not post here, I did not "jump on a bandwagon" either then, I came to present what I thought and new, which favoured Nathan more than DemoDemo. I know that the original content was stolen, it was obvious, but that was not what I was arguing if you would read my other threads properly, I was saying that Nathan made an effort to try and get rid of the copyright infringements - I'll make it bold so hopefully you read it.

"You are indeed a plant. You stated yourself that you were contacted to post here. You have also admitted to stealing material from other sites. "
Yes, I was told to come and post my side of the story here, but my story is nothing but the truth of what happened. How have you drawn the conclusion that I have stolen material...really puzzles me how you drew that. I will not even dignify this with a response as I have already posted it in many threads. But please do not launch personal attacks against me, I am trying to be professional in the best way I can, I don't really care about the outcome of this dispute, I just want to post what I believe to be the case with my evidence for me doing so.

You were not objective. You came to this forum because you were solicited to and now you are defending your own illegal practices
I do not have any illegal practices, unless content writing is illegal then sorry.

You claim to be a "content writer" and yet you still take jobs to "reword" copyright material "slightly".
You are a scam artist, period. You have no credibility.

Again that is slander and the only basis you have is what I have previously said. I will say again to make it more clear for you. I agree that the material has been copied from DemoDemo originally, although I doubt by Nathan, once the original dispute came out, he posted on another forum for a content writer. I applied and he asked me to reword and make the cPanel and Xmail tutorials more professional. As well as ensuring that they were not too similar to the following sites:

I can quote all the emails between the two of us if you want. Even provide the full headers so you can verify them. I have nothing to hide.

"Perhaps you missed Vito's earlier posts.
Nathan is an arrogant child who basically told Vito to go **** himself when he was confronted with his illegal content. Nathan made no attempt what so ever to change the content and he has even stated that he steal more content"

Again I do not know of Nathan's previous actions, I just came to defend Nathan on this particular issue, if he did indeed say that then you might as well disregard my comments, as I am not aware of other dealings by Nathan just the ones between me and him which lasted for about 2 days whilst I completed the work.

Thanks again
Ah missed vito's reply as well - too slow lol

That WebMail tutorial is actually not my work, I have checked on my files which have the existing and my updated versions on there, and that is not what it says. I guess I have nothing else to say in this matter as it looks like they haven't be updated yet. I can provide the original and my updates, although i'm sure that Nathan won't like that. If you want me to please PM me etc. I did not make the movie etc etc - i've delt with that by saying that without a doubt the original tutorials were copied.

I will bow out of this then.
Yes, of course I do realize that the original tutorials were not your work. However, my objection to your position is that slightly rewording copyrighted material does not make it original content. It is still stolen material. And associating yourself with this only harms your credibility.

What DC needs to do is start from scratch and create their own original tutorials, as it should have been done to begin with

'nuff said.

(Damn, this has given me a migraine...)

"slightly rewording copyrighted material does not make it original content. It is still stolen material. And associating yourself with this only harms your credibility"
Agreed - unfortuanatly I did not really watch the movies, just looked at the text. That is why I have decided to bow out of this, I sent you a PM if you get chance to read it.

Thanks to those who tried to actually discuss things rather than be counter-productive.

I hope you all find a speedy resolution to this, as this is not beneficial to anyone.
markjut said:
You do not know me, which is of course obvious as I do not post here, I did not "jump on a bandwagon" either then, I came to present what I thought and new, which favoured Nathan more than DemoDemo. I know that the original content was stolen, it was obvious, but that was not what I was arguing if you would read my other threads properly, I was saying that Nathan made an effort to try and get rid of the copyright infringements - I'll make it bold so hopefully you read it.

If you had read the other posts you would know that Nathan made NO effort to change the violations.
He hired you to slightly modify copyright material.
You even admit to knowing it was stolen material and that you were hired to modify it and not to write original material.

Yes, I was told to come and post my side of the story here, but my story is nothing but the truth of what happened. How have you drawn the conclusion that I have stolen material...really puzzles me how you drew that. I will not even dignify this with a response as I have already posted it in many threads. But please do not launch personal attacks against me, I am trying to be professional in the best way I can, I don't really care about the outcome of this dispute, I just want to post what I believe to be the case with my evidence for me doing so.

My conclusions come from your own words and the words of Nathan.
They are documented and irrefutable.
Whether or not you choose to "dignify" them is irrelevant to me. You have no dignity when you choose to steal the work of others.

Again that is slander and the only basis you have is what I have previously said. I will say again to make it more clear for you. I agree that the material has been copied from DemoDemo originally, although I doubt by Nathan, once the original dispute came out, he posted on another forum for a content writer. I applied and he asked me to reword and make the cPanel and Xmail tutorials more professional. As well as ensuring that they were not too similar to the following sites:

Since you are such an accomplished content writer I would expect you to know the difference between SLANDER and LIBEL. Try to get it straight before you argue it.
You knew that content was stolen from DemoDemo. You tried to modify it slightly rather than writing original content. You try to justify it by saying that other sites copy the content.
Where is your credibility? You have none.

You may be a decent person and have good intentions. If this is the case then don't let yourself be dragged down by the sleazy likes of Nathan.
markjut, if Person A commits a murder, but pays Person B to clean up the blood in the room (Person B knows there was a murder), that would make Person B an associate in this crime. As a writer myself (previously), I just cannot understand how you can even edit work that you know was stolen. Especially that you knew the material is copyrighted.

I think the misconception lies exactly where Blue pointed out above:
You claim to be an experienced "content writer".
There is a huge difference between writing content and modifying copyright material.
It doesn't take a "copyright expert" to know this.

EDIT: It looks like you started to see the difference. Actually, Vito has previously also shown proof of Nathan NOT trying to act on it (from the material published on another forum which was soon after removed), or solve the copyright issue. If anything, his reactions and behavior were completely inappropriate and rude.

Well, I do have to side with markjut on one thing....
markjut said:
...but, there are only so many ways of saying how to do things
I have to agree there. When the products the demos are for do not change the methods in which certain tasks are done, the tasks and directions will of course be the same. This is already limiting. Then as stated, there truly are only so many ways you can describe the same task instructions.

Now, that's not to say that batant copying of the content is okay. It is to say however, that they should be expected to be similar. Afterall, they are demoing the same products.

On to a few other things now:
markjut, you claim to be an experienced copy/content writer, but I have yet to see a post from you, that uses proper grammar. Did I miss something, or is proper grammar no longer an issue when writing content?

Something I also wanted to point out...
Again I understand not wanting to go to court due to international boundaries and I hope to, now that I am dragged into this, that an amicable solution is worked out, it would be better for both parties
You were not dragged into anything as far as I can tell. You were asked to come here, and then voluntarily did so. You placed yourself into this conversation.

Now on to DemoCentre...

I should remind you that when you are "not a small player", you don't have to put a billboard up telling people so. When most of your correspondence is telling people how "big" of a player you are, there is a good chance you're just the kid that nobody picked to play the game.

Just remember, you're not a big player unless other people say or think you are. Just because YOU think you just makes you dillusional.

Spammers do this same thing...We hear it all the time on our company forums...
"I'll take you to court."
"You made a big mistake."
"I'm not small time"
"I have a lot of money"
"I know a lot of people, and no one will buy from you anymore"
"My group of attorneys...."
"I'm taking legal action"
"This is rubbish"
"I was only trying to help by posting my unsolicited offer"

There must be a handbook rippers, spammers, and thieves. "Common Statements and Methods to Use When You're Caught"

"Rule #1-5: Chapter 1:
Try to pretend you are a big company with millions of dollars. This will undoubtedly scare the person opposing you, into giving up.

If they don't believe you and tell you so, accuse them of libel. If you don't know what "libel" means, don't worry, use the word anyway, as chances are, no one really knows what it means. This will no doubt scare them into giving up.

If they still oppose you, threaten to take them to court, and pretend to have a plethora of attorneys at your disposal. This will definately scare them into backing down.

If this doesn't scare them, resort to posting slanderous statement about them, but make sure to tell them you're going to do so first, as this will no doubt scare them into backing down.

If they still haven't backed down, and all else fails, get a friend to post on your behalf. This will no doubt get them to back down."
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