DediCentral - Now Hiring cPanel Support Techs

EHB Nick

New member

As our client base is constantly expanding, we are looking to additional members to our support team. Please take a moment to review our available positions below. If you have any questions, please contact our Management Team via e-mail to management[at]

Replies to this post will not be acknowledged or receive a reply. If you represent an outsourced support company, we are not interested. Thank you.

cPanel Support Technician
All applicants must:
* Be hardworking and dedicated
* Be TEAM players with the ability to work with other members of the TEAM. There is no "I" in team!
* Be able to take the pressure from our demanding management team.
* Possess a minimum of 1 years' experience in the web hosting industry and working with cPanel servers.
* Be able to handle support tickets ranging from minor shared hosting issues to dedicated server problems.
* Be able to promptly decipher and fix issues in the heat of the moment.
* Speak and write fluent English with few or no spelling or gramatical errors. This is VERY important.

Basic Duties:
* Work as a team player to answer technical support issues and questions on our online helpdesk.
* Answer all tickets during your shift within 2 hours.
* Participate on our Community Forums.
* (Optional) Phone support

Pay: Negotiable PER TICKET
Shifts: ALL - please specify

How to Apply
To apply for any of our available support positions, send the following information by e-mail to management[at] DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST.

* Resume, including references
* Desired PER TICKET pay rate (Do not ask for hourly, you won't get it)
* Hours available

State issued Photo ID and a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will be required before you are hired on.