Dedicated Server Technicians Needed

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Hello, is now seeking experienced support technicians for our new dedicated server company. We need people on all shifts to man the help desk and answer support questions.

You are required to know/obtain the following:

  • DirectAdmin Control Panel
  • Red Hat Linux (all versions) and Fedora
  • Basic SSH Commands
  • AMD and Intel Processors
  • Server Hardware/Software
  • People skills and professionalism
  • English
  • AIM/AOL/MSN (Preferably AIM and MSN together)

Payment for your work is as follows and all payments via PayPal.
All payments are PER TICKET > Paid Weekly.

$1.00 for every reboot ticket.
$2.00 for basic tech support questions.
$5 for advanced support questions.

Please send all applications to , We will then e-mail you back with a response and interview time. Please include your name and telephone number. Also make sure to state what you know and how long you have been in the industry. Attachments in .DOC or .PDF only please, or you can copy/paste into a e-mail message (preferred method).

If you have questions, contact me on AIM IlliniHoops289 or MSN at Or you can e-mail me at

Thank you!
How many people are working at the minute? How many tickets are coming in weekly?
Just to get an idea of how much work there is as the pay is only on tickets.
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