Dedicated Server Reseller Program

We work with lots of web hosting and web design firms and pay re-occurring commissions - we even come up with special one time solutions. Typically 15% every month for for a manged hosting server (after first month) - and we work on the set up fee - then we are not as big as single hop or the others - but we work close with the partners we have.

so i agree - there are lots of hosting companies out that offer re-occurring/

We're ongoing. There's a number of dedicated places out there that pay out each month.

Edit: not sure if that's promotion or not - Artashes and mods, please review and delete if necessary.
Another +1 for Tandem by SingleHop. Excellent service, prices are a little high, but you also pay for a top tiered network with multiple failover routes, server set up within 20-30 minutes usually, and a very intutive panel for both the reseller and the client as well. You can even let SH handle your support tickets for you.
Do you have any previous experience selling servers ?? this could help host give you discounts on your previous exp.