Cybersecurity breaches on the rise


HD Moderator
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Your thoughts?

From IBM
The average time to identify a breach in 2019 was 206 days.

They went on to say,
The average lifecycle of a breach was 314 days (from the breach to containment)

What does this say about how consumers are being protected?

We all know breaches are on the rise, so what do we do to protect ourselves?
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We all know breaches are on the rise, so what do we do to protect ourselves?

I change my passwords every 2 weeks for every website
Always use 2 factor authentication if available
I always shred every bit of paper i have to dispose of.

I know some companies are better than other when it comes to online security.

When i first set up my online banking i only had 1 set of passwords to remember to access online banking, but now i have to go through 4 layers of security