Criteria of choosing of hosting company


New member
Hi, All
Does anybody know which order of criterie people use when choosing the hosting company to sign up?(
brand name , design, price , amount of clients, place in PPC or directory, uptime, support quality, reviews,word of mouth)

where can i found statistics on this topic?

Thank you.
1: How the company come across, not so much design but the quality of information provided on the website.
2: Price really isn't too much of an issue as i'll pay extra for quality support.
3: Methods of support not just a form on the website, some kind of community interaction like forums or chat goes down well.
I Agree with Ed, plus i'd say word of mouth (from someone you actually know and trust) goes a long way in helping you to make a good choice. I think also.... if people were to actually think "you get what you pay for" before paying peanuts to a host that advertises everything for practically nothing, there would be a lot happier buyers around.
Word of mouth is a good indicator.
Lots of research.
Some hosts that seem very good to some will not necessarily be your style. It can depend on the level of customer service you require. You should be able to build a good rapore with your host.
If it is a mission critical site be prepared to spend the extra dollars on a reliable host. Don't lowball if you need to have your site online at all times.
Don't let a fancy website fool you and conversely, don't write off a host just because their website is not flashy. Do check the websites for spelling, consistency, TOS etc.
Alex, I looked over some search engines and failed coming with some precise statistics regarding your question.

However, to answer your question, most people who look for hosting solutions tend to have various ideas/criterions in minds. To some uptime is the most important factor while others are looking into great tech support.

Usually every consumer focuses on one or more factors when choosing a hosting company. Those factors serve as core values they look into getting back from a company of their choice, which in return make the search easier as some hosting companies do not make particular accent on some of the things wanted by consumer.

If you are a host, then you have two options:

1. To diversify your features as to try and cover as many end-values for potential customers. Easy to get lost/forget as to what your core competencies are after a while.

2. To focus on just a couple/few values and maximize the return from delivering this message to consumers. For example, concentrate on saying that your goal is to provide the best and most friendly customer support by such and such means.

Hope this helps.

Good luck,

1. Prices and Features - (Always important!)
2. Reliability (Contact company support before sign up)
3. Speed and uptime
4. Years in business (At leaset an year old. This does not mean there are no new companies who provide good service)

Hi Alex,
I think it depends on a lot of different factors.

New people may look for the quickest solution, ie the first thing they find in a search, or may look for lowest prices.
While someone who has been on the net for a while with cheaper hosts may be looking for more quality service or special features.

It is not easy to say what people would look for, but if you offer a variety of services and a fair price, you should be fine. Then it is just getting out to where prospects can see you - advertising or search engines.

Tim L