Cpanel ?!?!


New member
Is there any other basic system control panel besides Cpanel. It's a great thing, don't get me wrong, but all these other control panels I see, require Cpanel. So I am kinda like, what the heck, is there anything else out there...... I mean even for a new business to start out, $625 for a 1 year license is kinda steep. So I guess my question would be, what other control panels are out there, that don't require Cpanel or WHM ?? :confused:
Not sure what you mean other control panels that dont require cPanel/WHM as cPanel/WHM is a control panel.
If you just mean other control panels, there are a good few available.
It dpends partly on what OS you are running on the server.
You can find some in the directory on ht,
Some of the most popular are ensim and plesk but a few others are becoming very popular now also.
Just say if thats not what you mean though because I wasnt exactly sure :)
Thats pretty much it. I've seen WHM AutoPilot, Modern-Bill and a few others that 'plug-in' into Cpanel and WHM. There is a couple in that directory that I havn't seen. Thanks for that link John
They are not control panels themselves, they are extra software that can be integrated with cPanel.

A cheap yet good panel to check into is DirectAdmin.. I like it and it is pretty cheap.
jdshells said:
Thats pretty much it. I've seen WHM AutoPilot, Modern-Bill and a few others that 'plug-in' into Cpanel and WHM. There is a couple in that directory that I havn't seen. Thanks for that link John

I already said that. If you look at this quote you will see me calling them 'plug-in' software for Cpanel and WHM.
There is Ensim and Plesk also. Both are ok, DirectAdmin is fair but cPanel is the best of them all. Despite there bugs here and there for what it does it outdoes all the others.
I would think that DirectAdmin is probably as close to cPanel as you would get.. unless maybe Ensim with a fancy skin.. that is just my opinion
Yea, Ensim with a skin and that auto install script program. I have a license but I don't run Ensim anymore.

Ensim is so crap because everytime somebody adds a site apache has to restart.

It is my understanding there is 2 apachies on cPanel and only 1 restarts when new sites are added so sites are not down.

We can go on and on with this one :)
Yep, I see this is an ongoing battle with control panels. lol. I'm looking for one of the best for the cheapest price. I am just doing some research, because, I am thinking of entering the hosting world. :) Are there any control panels for Shell Hosting? What I mean by Shell Hosting, like IRCd, normal shell accounts. That kind of stuff.
If you need something to manage your clients, get webmin its free.. if you were thinking on offering a panel for IRCd clients, I woudlnt bother.
I wasn't, I was looking for a control panel to add users, mantain disk space and bandwidth usage. Thats what i am looking for at this time. Thanks for all the help. :)
Sure, webmin will do the job but it is very limited and does not have all the features of those paid control panels. To be honest, I use webmin in conjunction with cPanel because somethings like cron are easier to manage in webmin. I could do it from shell but I like the interface that it uses for cron and perl modules.
That's fine, I don't blame somebody for wanting it free and if it works for him then that is great. Back in 98 before we had all these fancy control panels I ran webmin to setup http sites. Things were a lot harder back then as myself and my team were new to Linux.