cpanel question


Unless you have WHM or root. a cPanel account cannot update items such as space transfer etc. Now you could look at the Disk Usage Viewer to get a nice overall picture
ok, I had deleted a few hundred files and was seeing how much space I saved.

Oh also is there a way in cpanel it self to check inode usage?
ok, I had deleted a few hundred files and was seeing how much space I saved.

Oh also is there a way in cpanel it self to check inode usage?

It depends on the provider. we are set-up to show that usage in the left hand side in cPanel so I know it can be done.
Ah mine must not be set up that way. It does show physical memory and CPU usage though. Looks like I can look at cpu and memory usage clear back 30 days.
Wow the cpu bearly gets above 25% in the past 30 days. The memory how ever does have a few spikes close to the 1G.
If you have jail shell access to your account and you have knowledge about linux commands then you can easily check disk space usage, resource usage etc..
For more about disk space usage in cPanel please go through DiskSpaceUsage
Well that link does not really help me any. Plus I don't have ssh. That is why I opened this thread. I thought I had seen something about inodes being shown in cpanel and thought I would ask.
The first question was because I had deleted files and I wanted to see how much that effected my usage. In directadmin you can go to usage page and click update for space usage and it will show you the new usage.
Well that link does not really help me any. Plus I don't have ssh. That is why I opened this thread. I thought I had seen something about inodes being shown in cpanel and thought I would ask.
The first question was because I had deleted files and I wanted to see how much that effected my usage. In directadmin you can go to usage page and click update for space usage and it will show you the new usage.

Create a empty PHP file and add this:

system("find /home/username/ -printf '%i\n' | sort -u | wc -l");

Replace username with "your username". Php function "system" has to be enabled by your hosting company to work.

How do you update the space usage in cpanel?
I know how to do it in directadmin but not cpanel.

i cPanel their should be an area named 'files' and in that you should have 'disk space usage' also as default in the left column just under 'last login' should also show Disc Space Usage
Create a empty PHP file and add this:

system("find /home/username/ -printf '%i\n' | sort -u | wc -l");

Replace username with "your username". Php function "system" has to be enabled by your hosting company to work.


I will have to check with them to see if they will enable it as I did get this error.

"Warning: system() has been disabled for security reasons"

It is really not that big a deal though.
I was doing some tests and it looks like the stats on the left of cpanel update automatically every 30 minutes. At least that is what it appears to do. I uploaded a pretty big file and refreshed every few minutes to see how long it took to change and it seemed to change every half hour.

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