cPanel like Fantastico program


New member
Ok, I am developing a program simular to Fantastico where it can install many popular PHP scripts.

I got the bread and butter working. What I am looking for is beta testers.

Looking for at least 3 beta testers to test on my server and once we get stable looking for 2 external servers to test this on.

Requirements: cPanel and a new cpanelphp parser file. However, I want to try to get it to work without the new cpanelphp file.

Once the project is complete it will be released under the GNU licnese.

Watch out fantastico, the free version is comming :)
Gordy, cool! Once I get a stable version with 1 add-on script ready I will post a download site. The download site will update when more programs are configured. I got the understanding and the know how down so it should be fairly simple.

There won't be any error checking at first, but that will be added.

It should also be safe on production / non-production servers. We are using the cpanel tags to do most of the work.
As you know Robert I just got a new server which is on cPanel, have one test site on it while Im testing it out mainly so once you get a version available which is stable enough to put on an external server give me a shout, would be more than glad to hear :)

* Mod note: moved to programming forum *
I was hopping the community would help me name it. Any sugestions. Script Center sounds too generic.

Maybe something about the forum where I got my motivation.
turnkey said:
I was hopping the community would help me name it. Any sugestions. Script Center sounds too generic.

Maybe something about the forum where I got my motivation.

The Source Matrix ?

heh :D
Wish I'd seen this earlier. I would LOVE to beta test a version on you're server. Absolutely LOVE. So please tell me there's room for me.
Those are some nice names. I like the Matrix one, just need to make sure "Matrix" is not copywighted.

Goooogle, I would love if you would be a beta tester. I am going to work on the first script MLS Lister wich happends to be one of my own programs for the first program. I should have that working tonight.

The first version will be just plain basic, will install it and that's about all.

Version 2 will have all the nice features like being able to tell if you have it installed or not, delete and or re-install.
Think I am going to go with "The Source Matrix"

Anybody want to make a icon for it? I am not good in graphics but can do coding.
Just don't make the icon look to much like something from the matrix. You never know what people might react.

Will you charge for this script once it reaches a usable level?

Also what is MLS?
I probally won't charge, but donations will be acepted.

MLS Lister is a Realtor listing program. It is a little over 3 years old now. Gone through several updates on that one.

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