configserver firewall - fantastic security addition


New member
We have always used traditional APF, Kiss, BFD etc installs on our servers. Last year we started to roll out the Mailscanner and spam solution from configservers, which has been great.

Lately we installed the firewall package from them -

We have been blown away by the performance increase and added security, monitoring and alerting that it does. It takes less than 10 mins to install.

With the added bonus of it integrating with WHM & Cpanel , we highly recommend users check it out over APF and BFD etc.
I'm currently using it on my server. It works a treat and i love it how you can manage it completely via WHM.

Shall we play the server security top trumps game. My server is currently at 57/61. What is everyone else at (only those who use ConfigServer Firewall obviously).
you need to have good firewall which runs low on your server with using less resources . high profile firewalls which uses loads of resource is nt good at all