Common Reselling


New member
Hi to all. I would like to start this thread as it might be interested to you. Let`s try to think about a common reseller client. What`s his needs and how we can attract such type of clients. Maybe someone of the community have an idea? Let`s share them
To tell you the truth, do you really expect Hosting business men are going to share their secret here? :) From my personal experience those advises are always bhogus. Your experience and performance gives the best. So rely on your own. That would be the best reseller tips :)
There is no such thing as a "common reseller client" - it really depends what sort of market you are targeting
They all have a need to sell hosting to their own customers. This is a very wide demographic though, including web designers and small isps among many.
No one will tell you what they do, Its they way they make all the money they do with there bisness. A common reseller client? I don't get you from that little thing can you post more information on what you are talking about?
True, no one would share their secrets here. It's best if you learn from your own experience and mistakes. :)
I'd suggest that you research a target market and find out what sort of packages they typically go for

What is a reseller hosting? Basically it is a reselling of a web hosting package which he had obtained from the web hosting company. The reseller is trying to sell it independently to another third party hoping to gauge some profit over this reseller activities in the form of commission or discounts through this reselling activities. Here are a few common and effective ways where reselling can be done;

- You may earn potential commission from the web hosting companies by referring potential customers to them and usually the commission when the customers sign up for the service from that particular web hosting provider. This is the reason why many of the hosting companies outsource their services to resellers today because this is the only way where they can extend their business to other business segments that they cannot reach. This strategy had also helped them to cut a lot of their marketing and promotional cost such as advertisement through the yellow pages, media or newspaper.


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What is a reseller hosting? Basically it is a reselling of a web hosting package which he had obtained from the web hosting company. The reseller is trying to sell it independently to another third party hoping to gauge some profit over this reseller activities in the form of commission or discounts through this reselling activities. Here are a few common and effective ways where reselling can be done;

- You may earn potential commission from the web hosting companies by referring potential customers to them and usually the commission when the customers sign up for the service from that particular web hosting provider. This is the reason why many of the hosting companies outsource their services to resellers today because this is the only way where they can extend their business to other business segments that they cannot reach. This strategy had also helped them to cut a lot of their marketing and promotional cost such as advertisement through the yellow pages, media or newspaper.


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Thanks for the explanation - this probably should have been it's own thread though
I agree. Every client will have different needs, but there are some things that every client will have in common for their needs. Reliable Up-Time and reliable support. That's about where the similarities end.

As far as the common reseller? The only thing I can think of that would motivate anyone to get into this business is the possibility of turning a decent profit. Me? I'm in it because I'm a nerd, and I darn sure know I'm not going to get rich off this thing.
cPanel as control panel, FREE Billing System, UNLIMITED Domains, Backups and 24x7 Support are the common reseller needs.