CO.CC Bannded By google!!!!

i think they should block all free domain registrar. As is i think all web hosts should deny service to all free domain names. They generate spam/illegal stuff and are just plain annoying in my eyes.
I think only for those who prefer to free host will be aware of the news, paid service won't consider such domain.
That's horrible because I know many individuals who use the domain for their businesses. It would sure be a struggle not showing up on some main search engines.
In my opinion if people want to run a business online they should fork out the small fee of $9/year for a real TLD (.com, .net, .info, etc...). Personally I would never buy from anyone using a free domain (or in this case subdomain) in the first place.

This was a good move by Google to eliminate those rampant phishing sites.
Even though it is a bit late to further the discussion, since this issue effects thousands, if not millions, of websites, i would like to give my opinion on this issue.

Before that please know that is not a domain, it is a sub-domain.

I fully agree with what Google has done. Google has the right to do it. For those who say that they cannot afford the meager sum of $10/year my suggestion is use blogger, or wordpress instead. You will be safe.

Most of the people who use free domains (or sub-domains) such as (,,, .tk) are beginners. They use these free domains and free hosting, not because they do not have money, but because they want to test their capabilities or to play around and get a feel about creating a website. But, that should be the end of it. Never go for a free domain or free hosting if you are serious about starting a business online.

In my view the problem is not free domain registrars, but those unscrupulous webmaster who use these domains for spamming. That i think no one can control, not even google.

I have two websites (one with and another with .tk). Those are my first websites. domain is more than 3 years old and is having PR3. When Google deindexed i did not feel the pinch as others felt, because i created a web of links to my website so that people still find my website even if Google deindexed it.

So the conclusion is

1. Go for free domains only if you are experimenting.
2. If you are serious about having online presence then go for paid hosting.
3. Do not blame Google.
I think it is a good thing really, people should just buy a Domain they are not exactly expensive.
I agree with shabash23 The one who wants to stand in blogging should and can purchase the domain name and Web hsoting. If you just want for fun then go to Wordpress or Blogger. You will get Domain and hosting both free. If you can't pay some domain fees also then why you pay for hosting..