CloudLinux and WHMCS Server Status

We run the status script on every server and it reports without issue. We also run CloudLinux on every box. Are you seeing any errors? If you can be more specific as to what you're seeing I'll be happy to help you get it working.
+1 Same as GeekGhost, we do not have any issues displaying the server status page in WHMCS running CloudLinux either.

Did you upload the status folder to the server? It sounds like you might have to re-check your steps and make sure you configured everything correctly.:thumbup:
Ok I'll go through it again and confirm. It was working. All I did was upgrade centos 6 to cloudlinux and now it returns unavailable under load and uptime.
As WeLoveServers said, its a PHP script that shows the PHP info and pulls the server uptime off of the server. It shouldn't have anything to do with CloudLinux at all. Did you get this working at all? If you want, I'll be glad to have a quick look at it for you.

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