cloudflare and incapsula


New member
I used both of these as of this year. So now I thought I would post how I feel about each one. Cloudflare is easy to set up and you do not need to change dns settings on your host, just the dns on your domain provider. Incapsula has you change dns settings on your host. You need to set both an A record and a cname record and for some hosts you will need the host to do that. I actually had my host do it because when I tried I had something messed up causing a small outage on my site. More likely then not it was a typo but glad they were able to fix it.

Now I know cloudflare is well known and in a poll I made was picked over most other cdns. However I had issues with it. First it actually seemed to slow the site down instead of speeding it up specially for the members I have that are in the UK. I turned cloudflare off and memebers started saying how much faster the site was. I also learned that cloudflare has issues with my arcade software.

Incapsula does not have either of those issues and actually seems to reduce spam a lot more then cloudflare did.

So in my opinion incapsula is actually better then cloudflare.
Big fan of CloudFlare - at least for it's ease of installation and launch. You can go from nothing to launch in just a few minutes - especially if your web host has CloudFlare integration in their control panel.

We've been using MaxCDN for the past 2 years without issue and are very happy with them. Same as Incapsula in that you must modify the DNS records to insert their A Records etc, but other than that, everything is automated. Make a change on the site, it's pushed automatically to the various point servers around the world.

CloudFlare acts as a very good extra firewall and can do wonders with stopping some attacks. You can get an even bigger boost to security and speed if you use both CloudFlare and MaxCDN.

I don't know if Incapsula supports the ability to use CloudFlare in addition to it, but it might be something to check into!
Ya you could use both cloudflare and incapsula. I did for a few hours but had to drop cloudflare because of the issues it was causing with the site. I mean it does not work with the arcade. The anticheat script built into the arcade sees cloudflare as cheating software. The admin cp also loads and loads and loads while cloudflare is on.
After getting rid of Cloudflare ( various reasons) i before an Incapsula Partner and installed this on my servers and so far i find it no more work than Cloudflare to setup and also their support is a lot faster and helpful.
I should warn people if you have a firewall on your sever make sure to white list the incapsula ips. I had issues the server firewall blocking incapsula ips which resulted in errors and my project wonderful ad getting suspended. Now that it is on the white list every thing is fine. Oh and incapsula is far better at stopping spam then cloudflare.
I should warn people if you have a firewall on your sever make sure to white list the incapsula ips. I had issues the server firewall blocking incapsula ips which resulted in errors and my project wonderful ad getting suspended. Now that it is on the white list every thing is fine. Oh and incapsula is far better at stopping spam then cloudflare.

Another point is if your site has an SSL cert then the free option will not work and you will need to upgrade to the personal option.

so far no firewall blocks on the sites incap enabled

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