/, a forum that steals.


Staff member
Well, isn't this cute. / calls itself a web hosting community. Except in the case of owner and administrator Chad Waliser, who "likes to push the envelope", as he so accurately described himself on his Facebook page, he may have pushed it a little too far this time.

I have always enjoyed helping others gain as much attention in the pursuit of their dream, especially when they go out of their way to do it at any cost. In the case of Chad, a painter for, the level of excitement in starting a hosting community has frozen his ability to think clearly and put in the actual work. But Chad, my hero, prevailed and found a path out of such a complicated situation ⏤ steal! Why the fudge would Chad spend his time recreating the wheel when the wheel is ready for the taking: HostingDiscussion! "I'll just take this one thing, ⏤ mumbled Chad, while "control C-ing and V-ing the application information for moderators from HostingDiscussion. "You know, this looks good, too. OK, maybe this one also... Ah, whatever, I'll just take everything." That also included the actual structure of the forum itself. 🤦‍♂️

So in order to help Chad get / off the ground and bring as much attention as possible, I am starting this thread. While all of you get to educate yourself on this new community that is ready to go above and beyond, as a special bonus, I am hoping that the established authority position of HD with search engines will enable this thread to get to the very top of results for the community and its domain name, exponentially increasing its value in the process. (y)

In the meantime, I applied for a moderator position. I hope I qualify.

@chadwaliser, you don't have to thank me. In fact, I probably won't even bother sending a letter to your domain registrar and hosting provider, as helping you with publicity gives me more joy. And in case you are thinking of sending me one, keep in mind that when you joined HD in 2018, you agreed to our terms, with this very specific item in it:

Email and other private messages sent to the staff of this site will remain confidential, and will not be reproduced without permission, except in the following circumstance: The staff of reserve the right to archive, copy, reproduce, redistribute and make derivative works of any communication, via electonic mail, postal mail, telephone, instant message or any other media, which is in our sole discretion:
  • harassing, threatening or abusive to or any content writer or staff member thereof;
  • damaging to the reputation of or any content writer or staff member thereof;
  • serves to vilify, defame or cast aspersions against or any content writer or staff member thereof with the intent of interfering with business relationships, including, but not limited to, affiliations or service agreements (this includes ANY threatening letters to an ISP, Web host, etc., or allegations of activities in violation of applicable laws and/or service agreements).
Any such material shall become the property of The staff shall be the sole arbiter(s) of what constitutes a communication fitting the above descriptions. Upon receipt of any such communication, or notification of receipt of any such communication by a party associated with the site, the staff reserve the right to take action as necessary to protect their rights and interests, with or without prior notice to the person(s) or group(s) responsible for said communication. If you do not agree to these terms, do not harass the webmaster(s).

On second thought, I'll probably send that letter.
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Wow - clicked the link.. I couldn't' tell what site I was on! Every single category was copied!

While the colors can't be argued with (it's the default for the forum), taking every category is a clear sign of stolen ideas.

It's always disappointing to see forums being created with just a single post in each category. When I ran my hosting company, we had plans for a dozen or so categories, but really we only needed 3 or 4. It hurts the overall look if you have just a single post in a category.

I recommend reporting the domain none the less.
It's always disappointing to see forums being created with just a single post in each category. When I ran my hosting company, we had plans for a dozen or so categories, but really we only needed 3 or 4. It hurts the overall look if you have just a single post in a category.
Forum 101. Start small, with just a few categories. Populate, see how and where activity goes, then expand to more sections if necessary.

But that kind of logic requires thinking and effort. It's too much to ask.