cheap web hosting

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New member
I've been told that it is better to use a webhosting company in the same country.
let me explain:
I'm based in Florida and i am using; and everything has been smooth so far.
Now, next month we will be opening up an office in Australia and i was hoping to use a local provider there.
Can anyone help ?

thanks in advance

Hi Dom2,

I dont have any server located at Australia, but I have server located at South East Asia / Asia Pacific which is the nearest to Australia. Please let me know if you are interested
Hi Dom2,

Australia is a little more expensive if your comparing it to the US hosting although the dollar is stronger so it probably evens out.

Try Digital Pacific.
All servers are in Aus and very competitve prices. Been around since 2000.

BTW. You should definently host in the same country that you are targeting, seo and speed reasons mainly.

Hope this helps.....
As someone mentioned above, you will need to spend more for servers in Australia. I believe Ultima Hosts are providing dedicated servers in Australia and it'll be worth checking them out.


- Rick
6scomputersolutions is a great server providing company.
I live in Norway and we have a server from them hosted in the US, and still I dont lagg :)
You should try it out
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