Canaca Tech Support: Ha!

Ross M. Greenbe

New member
I have two sites with They use the ensim control panel. Part of the control panel provides for making externel backups of your site(s). Both on a upon-demand basis and on an automated/scheduled basis.

Upon demand works well. Automated/Scheduled does not work. At all. In any way.

Their tech support is a joke, doing tech support only by email, and only blaming my external site, never the ensim control panel. They claim "emergency support" to either fix the problem in 15 minutes or to call voice: they'vr done neither as this problem has been ongoing for *months*

Thinking of using Canaca? Don't.

Sorry to hear about this. Did you try to mail they any thing? Also i whould look in to moving my sites as soon as i could to make sure i don't lose any thing.
Ross, unfortunately, most customers are always left responsible for their own data. I would highly recommend you, should you feel your company is not doing enough, to perform regular backups of your own information in order to avoid costly loss.

I hope things either improve for you or you find a better solution.

Oh, I have no problem with that: I always take care of my own data. Just that I would think that if they offer something, and it didn't work, they'd fix it and certainly not blame the "victim"

They've lost two customers.
I wish i could help with the new host, but i do offer windows hosting yet..... I know there are a few good host out there that do tho.
Ross M. Greenbe said:
Thinking of using Canaca? Don't.

I've found link for canaca on and signed up. After couple searches on forums - I've canceled it.

I must admint that they done this right and fast - so my first experiences were good :)
Half the problem is probably with using Ensim - I had three servers with Ensim several years ago - I have to grab some Mylanta just thinking about that!
