Can Unlimited Hosting be possible in the Near Future?

arent the companies offering unlimited hosting now? unlimited space..sorry im not good in english

Hi, those companies are cheating, with shared hosting, provider can get away with offering huge amounts of space simply because they know most people will never use that much. For example, if a shared hosting offers 100GB/account, and puts 500 user accounts on each server. Do they actually put 50,000GB of disk drive on that server? The answer is no, because they know that most people won't use more than 1GB or so, so they can get away with a much smaller disk drive, like maybe 1000GB.
At present the web hosting industry has hard physical limitations so it is unrealistic to offer unlimited "anything". Until someone finds a way to alter or vastly improve our current hardware and technology then we are bound to stay within those physical limits. Will it happen in my lifetime ? I doubt it...

Unlimited is a virtual word, if you think logically yes now also it is possible, if a company says your disk is unlimited, logically it is unlimited, they are not going to limit it for you.

But if you think physically its not possible in any future since the maximum size of a disk may be 1-4 TB at any time, cannot be more than this.

Bandwidth may be unlimited soon if the bandwidth rates are reduced.
as far as storage is concerned, this may eventually come close to unlimited as will bandwidth BUT this will be for a shot time only.

take for example 30/40/50 years ago, a step up to 1gb of ram then would have been unheard of and like an act of god. Now consider when 1TB harddrives came out... we can have what apears to be unlimited by providing enough space that it couldent really be used... but its only an ilussion.

similarly for a while, bandwidth may apear to be limitless as people experiene optical fibe to its full potential, but again there will come a time again when it will become standard and the speed becomes a normal thing like now with BB over dial up... again the perception of unlimited is there although it cannot actually be acheaved as there will always be restrictions
Unlimited is a virtual word, if you think logically yes now also it is possible, if a company says your disk is unlimited, logically it is unlimited, they are not going to limit it for you.

But if you think physically its not possible in any future since the maximum size of a disk may be 1-4 TB at any time, cannot be more than this.

Bandwidth may be unlimited soon if the bandwidth rates are reduced.

No. Bandwith will not be unlimited soon. It will never be unlimited.
It is an impossibility. To suggest otherwise is extemely naive or a flat out lie.
No. Bandwith will not be unlimited soon. It will never be unlimited.
It is an impossibility. To suggest otherwise is extemely naive or a flat out lie.

yea I agree with blue. even in 10-20 years there is still going to be limit just cause of technology doesn't mean there will be unlimited anything. there is always a limit to something regardless.
Unlimited is NEVER possible because hosting service is offered based on (always!) limited resources (think about silicone for computer hardwares, human power for server maintenance, and coal for electricity power - these are limited resources).

Yes as an end user, we might have as much hosting power as we can (with the help of cluster/cloud hosting) but it's never unlimited in macroview.
Unlimited in real meaning is not possible in any thing , but i am sure we would have for example 5,000,000GB HD in 2020,
so what is the meaning of 5,000,000GB HD ? it's Unlimited i think
You think wrong.
A 5,000,000gb hard drive has 5,000,000gb. It is not unlimited.
I don't know how there is any ambiguity in the interpretation.
Exactly, you could have 1,000,000,000,000TB HD and it would NOT be unlimited. Unlimited does not exist and I think will never exist.
Actually you guys got me thinking all scientific here... so what may sound as fiction today, I think the science has the capability to produce an unlimited storage of information if they used some kind of funky material that would continuously re-generate it's tissue and multiply it's cells naturally for an indefinite period of time... sort of like an atom that always splits up, multiplies, travels, changes shape, etc.. I am either onto sometime or "on" something... :D

But, I'll give you an example. Human skin carries permanent information about your body. Human skin always regenerates/renews itself. So if someone were to figure out a way to use that kind of chemical process as a storing material...
If that was the case, then sure unlimited could be possible...But, then again this kind of technology would not be possible for another 30-40+ years. Maybe even hundreds...who knows. What you said art is something that would take time, money, and a lot of smart people :p But, it might be possible, but I do not think we will see it in our lifetime.
Actually you guys got me thinking all scientific here... so what may sound as fiction today, I think the science has the capability to produce an unlimited storage of information if they used some kind of funky material that would continuously re-generate it's tissue and multiply it's cells naturally for an indefinite period of time... sort of like an atom that always splits up, multiplies, travels, changes shape, etc.. I am either onto sometime or "on" something... :D

But, I'll give you an example. Human skin carries permanent information about your body. Human skin always regenerates/renews itself. So if someone were to figure out a way to use that kind of chemical process as a storing material...

You are not the first to think of this Art.
My uncle was in charge of a project almost 30 years ago when he was 2IC with Corel Industries. They were looking at the possibility of organic memory even back then.
You are not the first to think of this Art.
My uncle was in charge of a project almost 30 years ago when he was 2IC with Corel Industries. They were looking at the possibility of organic memory even back then.

Wooh! That must have been quite an experience. I just wonder what scientists know today due to breakthroughs in tech.
shared hosting unlimited never exit.

:devil:even if unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, but cpu, ram can't unlimited, especially cpu usage.
When I think back to using 8 1/2 inch floppy disks in 1979 and 300 baud acoustic couplers - compared to where technology has evolved today - the future looks very bright. Love the human skin analogy.
Einstein's thing

But why would a person aiming for Shared plan want something unlimited? You have to understand that a shared plan is something more of a hobby or private small thing anyway - that is why it is cheap.
As for the possibility of unlimited:
I think everyone here is right!
It depends relatively to what you call things unlimited, like people back in 70s would have never thought that we here will using laptops with 250 Gb HDDs cause back then they used tape a memory carrier (so for them HDD is something with unlimited capacity (relatively speaking of course).
How many of you thought about Terabytes back in 90s? A Gig seemed infinite:)
;) When I did consulting for a hospital back in the mid 90's, 1TB was costing just over $35,000 ;)

I *STILL* have an old 8086 with a CPU of 4mhz and a 1MB hard drive.

Now I sit here with Multiple 1TB drives, and dozens of 500GB drives. A different world. Of course I ran a BBS at 2400bps, and here I am on a 13MB connection ;)

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